Get FREE tickets for Manitoba Moose Games

December 8th, 2022

Manitoba Moose Free Game_Dec 2022_Instgram

The Manitoba Moose have partnered with the UWSA to offer UWinnipeg students and staff the opportunity to attend one or both of the following Manitoba Moose games:

Saturday, December 17 @ 2 PM – Teddy Bear Toss Game – fans are encouraged to bring a new stuffed toy to throw on the ice during the first intermission – all stuffed toys will be donated to the Christmas Cheer Board.

Sunday, December 18 @ 2 PM – Holiday Game – get your picture with Santa on the concourse!

You can get up to two complimentary tickets per game. Use the code UWSA1 during checkout through the following link:

UWSA Elections Reform Feedback

December 7th, 2022

The UWSA Elections have experienced several periods of conflict and underwent significant reforms in 2020 and 2021; however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic and campus restrictions, UWSA By-Election 2022 is the first major on-campus election where we have been able to assess the new regulations in full force. While many election reforms worked well and created a positive learning environment for electoral candidates, some rules proved ineffective, unenforceable, or problematic. 

The reforms in this proposal are designed to support the continued growth of the UWSA’s democratic process. This proposal is informed by the observations of staff throughout the UWSA By-Election 2022 and with respect and observance to the legacy of UWSA Directors, Executive, election candidates, and general membership who have participated in consultations about the UWSA Elections over the past three years. 

We want to hear UofW students’ feedback on our proposed reforms for the UWSA Elections. Please let us know before Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

UWSA Election Feedback Form Page

Storwell Offers a $2,000 Bursary to Help Foster Children Pursue Their Post-Secondary Education

December 5th, 2022

In response to the growing number of foster children and youth in care that struggle to afford post-secondary studies, Storwell has developed the Storwell foster children bursary program. Along with providing accessible and affordable self-storage units, Storwell is also devoted to helping out the local community through various charitable causes and social initiatives.

According to the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada, right now, there are approximately 63,000 Canadian children living in permanent care with foster families, extended family, or in group homes. Across the country, 235,000 children and youth have been identified as having experienced or being at risk of experiencing abuse and neglect. These children and youths often experience difficulties gaining access to adequate education opportunities, especially when it comes to post-secondary education. For every 1,000 youths in Canadian foster care, only eight go on to graduate with post-secondary education. One of the largest barriers to entry for children in foster care is the financial burden that comes along with post-secondary education.

The bursary program has helped numerous students across Canada achieve their educational goals. The aim of the foster children bursary program is to provide foster children with resources and opportunities that might be otherwise unavailable to them. With the proper tools, these students can work towards building a better life for themselves through the pursuit of higher education.

Storwell offers an annual bursary of $2,000 to help foster children attend post-secondary schools and to offer a hand-up as they make their way forward in life.

Eligibility requirements, information, and access to the application form can be found at:

UWSA Board Meeting: Wednesday, December 7

November 29th, 2022

UWSA Board Meeting

The next UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is on Wednesday, December 7, at 5:30 PM.

All University of Winnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4:30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

The board package and agenda will be uploaded to the website later this week.

Any questions can be directed to Carter Weins, Chair of the Board, at:

Student Conference and Travel Funding Request Form

November 25th, 2022

UWSA Conference funding aims to support students needing funding to bear a part of the expenses for attending conferences relevant to their academic studies and research at the University of Winnipeg. These funds are available for both undergraduate and graduate students. The funds can be used towards the cost of travel, accommodation, or other costs associated with attending an academic conference, a field course, practicums, or academic activities.

Please fill out this form for funding before or on the 15th of each month to receive funding for the following month. Example: Your travel or student conference is on February 16th you would need to fill out this form before January 15th.

Head to our page to fill out the funding form:

Funding Criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a current student at the University of Winnipeg and a current UWSA member;
  2. The conference must be academic in nature and in the applicant’s field of study or research at the University of Winnipeg;
  3. The applicant has a current minimum GPA of 2.0 or above;
  4. Any other applicable criteria in the UWSA policy and by-laws.

Criteria for non-academic conferences:

  1. The conference is meant for students and scholars only;
  2. Attendance at the conference is considered competitive and would add value to the students’ study and research;
  3. The applicant will be a direct participant (presenting, speaking, etc.) in the conference;
  4. Must attach a letter explaining how the conference meets these criteria. However, preference will be given to academic conference participants.


Add your event to our calendar and social media!

November 18th, 2022

If you need to advertise your events/meetings, you can submit them so we can add them to our events calendar and share it on our social media pages!

Allow 5 business days to process, but we will get to your request sooner if we can.  The UWSA reserves the right to deny requests from groups that don’t comply with our Positive Space policy. If you have any questions, please email our Marketing and Public Relations Manager,

Please fill out the form here: Events Calendar and Social Media Promotion Form

Maps of new Accessible doors at the UofW campus

November 16th, 2022

The UWSA and UofW have compiled maps of where the new accessible doors will be on campus. Please note that we are in the process of installing all of them. Visit More than a Door page for more information:

More Than a Door: More Accomplished

November 7th, 2022

More Than a Door

Accessible doors are pathways to independence.

The UWSA invites you to attend the announcement and celebration of campus accessibility door upgrades as a result of the UWSA’s More Than a Door Campaign with the support of The University of Winnipeg.

The event will be hosted by the UWSA Community Liaison Director, Sarah Anderson, with special guest Kyle Macdonald, Executive Director of Facilities of the University of Winnipeg.

Join us on Wednesday, November 16, at 4:00 pm in The Hive at Lockhart Hall. Everyone is welcome!

In Solidarity with International Students from Punjab

November 1st, 2022

On September 22, 2022, a college Sikh student from North Carolina in the United States was handcuffed for carrying a kirpan. Police officers removed the handcuffs after the kirpan was retrieved.

A kirpan is one of the five symbolic objects essential to manifesting faith for baptized Sikhs. They are required to carry or maintain the five articles of the Sikh faith: kara (steel bracelet), kanga (small wooden comb), kachera (undershorts), kesh (unshorn hair) and the kirpan (resembling a knife or sword).

We believe this is an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of how every individual and institution would benefit from cultural and religious literacy. Dialogue and learning regarding diverse religious faith practices on campuses worldwide are fundamental to guarantee students’ rights to exercise their religion freely.

We want to extend our sympathy and support to the international students from Punjab.

In Solidarity,

UWSA President
Kirt Hayer

UWSA Vice-President External Affairs
Jonathan Henderson

UWSA Vice-President Student Affairs
Reza-Saker Hossain

UWSA Senator-elect
Harpreet Singh Punjab

UWSA Board Meeting: Wednesday, November 2

October 28th, 2022

Board Meeting

The next UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is on Wednesday, November 2, at 5:30 PM.

All University of Winnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4:30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

Please review the following documents before the meeting:

221002 AGENDA

BOD 221002 Open Package

Any questions can be directed to Carter Weins, Chair of the Board, at:

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg