Truth and Growth



Truth and Growth is a UWSA Environmental Justice Movement, for students, by students.

Mission: To facilitate and empower Environmental Justice in our communities and beyond by exposing, learning and challenging the university’s position and of each other to the way we relate to our ecosystems.

Environmental injustices impact us in a holistic spectrum of realities and are interconnected to everything we do and touch as active participants of our environment. Environmental injustices build systemic barriers and destructive practices; the Truth and Growth Campaign nurtures a fluidity of stream that aims to assert our holistic relationship to the environment and develop new ways to move with and within it.

Truth and Growth Streams and Questions:

Consider these questions when reading what the streams are.

  • What does it mean to you?
  • How do you think this should be activated?
  • What your dream result is? (Think big, we’ll start from there)
  • What do you think of (the stream) in relation to;
    • Climate justice
    • Investment
    • Ethic
    • Social Justice
    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Spiritual
    • Intellectual

Land Back: Assert Indigenous Stewardship.

Ethical Investment – Empower a collaborative and Transparent Ethical Investment Practice.

Fossil Fuel Divestment – Remove destructive practices from our budgets and communities of support.

Building and Sharing Solutions – Build a constructive and critical culture of transparency between students, faculty, administration, and beyond.

Let us know what your answers were to the questions above.



University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg