UWSA Elections Reform Feedback
The UWSA Elections have experienced several periods of conflict and underwent significant reforms in 2020 and 2021; however, because of the COVID-19 pandemic and campus restrictions, UWSA By-Election 2022 is the first major on-campus election where we have been able to assess the new regulations in full force. While many election reforms worked well and created a positive learning environment for electoral candidates, some rules proved ineffective, unenforceable, or problematic.
The reforms in this proposal are designed to support the continued growth of the UWSA’s democratic process. This proposal is informed by the observations of staff throughout the UWSA By-Election 2022 and with respect and observance to the legacy of UWSA Directors, Executive, election candidates, and general membership who have participated in consultations about the UWSA Elections over the past three years.
We want to hear UofW students’ feedback on our proposed reforms for the UWSA Elections. Please let us know before Wednesday, January 4, 2023.