UWSA Election Reforms Feedback

Update: The By-Law and Policy Committee has added more additions to the Election Reform Proposal Package. The package includes the original one posted in December plus the new ones. You can view the package in the link below.

We want your feedback on our proposed changes to the UWSA Elections. These proposed changes came about because we want to create a better experience for future candidates and as well to support the UWSA Staff working the elections.

Please click here to review the proposed changes: January 2023 – By-Law Package Posting

  • Things to note in the report: RED and crossed-out sections = things that will be removed. Purple Font = things that will be added.

You can provide feedback on the proposed election by-law changes in the form below. When navigating the form, you will notice that we allow you to write feedback for each specific bylaw you choose. Please give as little or as much feedback as you want.

If you have no feedback, please leave those sections blank. You may provide additional comments or feedback at the bottom of the form. If you have any questions about the reforms, please contact the Acting General Manager, Thomas Hanan, at t.hanan@theuwsa.ca

DEADLINE: The last day to give feedback is Thursday, January 5, 2022, by 5 PM CST.

The UWSA is committed to protecting personal information provided in the course of the services it provides and the operation of the organization, including that information submitted in the forms. For more information please see the UWSA Privacy Policy, available online here, and last revised in 2022.

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg