
In Solidarity with the Afzaal Family

June 10th, 2021

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) is deeply saddened by the recent terrorist attack against the Salman Family. The family lost Yumna Afzaal, Madiha Salman, Talat Afzaal, and Salman Afzaal on Sunday, June 6, 2021, in London, Ontario, leaving their 9-year-old son as the only survivor.  

UWSA President Kirtaveer Singh Hayer says, “I was deeply saddened when I heard the news of this senseless act of terrorism. I pray for peace for the souls lost in this heinous crime and offer my condolences on behalf of the UWSA to the friends, loved ones and surviving members of the Afzaal family. Islam is a beautiful but misunderstood religion, and we all have a responsibility to correct the Islamophobic opinions of those around us. I have spent plenty of time with the Muslim community of UWinnipeg and attended Friday prayers at the campus mosque. I can attest to the fact that Islam is a peaceful religion that deserves the same level of dignity and respect as any other. I hope for a future of peace and tolerance in our society, and as President of the UWSA, I promise to fight against intolerance, discrimination and extremism of all kinds.” 

The UWSA stands in solidarity with the Afzaal Family, Muslim students, and the Muslim community. We strongly oppose any acts of violence against the Muslim community and want to make sure Muslim students feel supported.  

 “May God grant peace to the departed souls and grant Sabr to the surviving members of the Afzaal family. I’m shocked and heartbroken to see that a family was killed just because of their faith. This brutal act of terrorism has caused trauma to the Muslim community in Canada,” says UWSA Vice-President Student Affairs, Reza Saker Hossain. “Nobody should be forced to give up their faith or religious symbols to be treated fairly. I want to say to the students of UofW – who belong to any religious minority group – that proudly wear your religious symbols like your Hijab, Dastar, or any other symbols that you wish to wear.” 

We encourage any students who have been affected to use the counselling resources found on campus and in the community. You can find a list of mental health resources on the UWSA website, and online counselling is available for students through MindBeacon.com. 

Donations are being accepted on their GoFundMe, which will be used as Sadaqa Jariya on behalf of the family. You can find the GoFundMe link in our bio. 

In solidarity,  


Call for Indigenous Peoples Day Video

June 8th, 2021

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) compiles videos from Indigenous Students to highlight their voices for Indigenous Peoples Day. Each Indigenous student that submits a video will receive a complimentary gift bag, including a $20 Feast Gift Card. The deadline to send in a video is Tuesday, June 15, by 5:00 PM CST.

Video perimeters 

  • Must be landscape (you can film on your phone, webcam, etc.)
  • Make sure your video in MP4 format, 
  • 1-2 minutes long
  • Say your name
  • Say your pronouns
  • Say what nation and/or clan you are part of
  • You may also speak in whichever language you prefer (If you do so, please provide us with a script of what you’re saying)
  • Things you can talk about/do in the videos
    • Why Indigenous Peoples Day matters to you 
    • Perform a Jig
    • Perform a Traditional Drum Song
    • Sing

How to submit

When you’re finished, email the MP4 video to Sheen Chan at s.chan@theuwsa.ca. If your file is too big, you can use the website WeTransfer.com to submit it. If you’re having any difficulties, please email a.nguyen@theuwsa.ca.

Please also note that gift bags will be sent out after June 15

Questions about the video? Please email a.nguyen@theuwsa.ca

Nominations are open for The Indigenous Students' Association elections! Submit before June 18

June 6th, 2021


Nominations for the Indigenous Students’ Association Executive Council are now open! The positions open for election are:

  1. Female Representative/Co-President
  2. Male Representative/Co-President
  3. Events Coordinator
  4. Treasurer
  5. Secretary
  6. Culture & Sport Liaison
  7. Pow Wow Chairperson

Candidates who would like to be nominated for a position must email isa@theuwsa.ca by Friday, June 18th at 11:59PM. In your email please include:

  1. Your name,
  2. Your student number,
  3. The title of the position you are running for.

If you have any questions about the duties of the positions and council, please reach out to current Female Representative/ Co-President, Gracie Grift, at isa@theuwsa.ca. We highly encourage all Indigenous students to nominate themselves for a position or to reach out to learn more about other opportunities within the ISA!

UWSA Stands in Solidarity with Tk'emlúps te Secwe̓pemc First Nation

May 31st, 2021

The University of Winnipeg Student’s Association (UWSA) represents students at the University of Winnipeg, and recognizes the genocidal acts committed by Canada against Indigenous peoples and the legacy of residential schools as outlined in the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015.

The discovery of 215 children’s remains in an unmarked mass grave at Kamloops Residential School in British Columbia has devastated University of Winnipeg students. The UWSA stands in solidarity with Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pemc First Nation, and all Indigenous Peoples.

The University of Winnipeg has lowered its flags for the week of May 31-June 6, and the UWSA remains dedicated to Reconciliation and Decolonization including action, education, and collaboration through its current Truth and Growth campaign.

For students seeking support, a complete list of campus, municipal, provincial, and federal mental health resources can be found on the UWSA website, and online counselling is available for students through Mind Beacon.

Truth and Growth Workshop: We Are All Migrants

May 17th, 2021

May 25, 6-7:30PM

Pre-register here: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYvfuivrTotEtbcmAzJVEu0X0Z336DvuazX

Facilitator: Community Liaison Director, Shawna Péloquin

We Are All Migrants is a workshop that encourages participants to explore their ancestors’ footsteps through the lands and the influences under which they migrated. It combines experiential learning and open dialogues to create a safe environment where participants can share their histories with migrants from different walks of life. Using creative tools, people map their family’s pathways. The workshop also includes interactive ice-breakers and a video presentation. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a stronger understanding of the process of migration in a global context, reflect on stereotypes that may be present in their communities, and be inspired to nurture paths to reconciliation.

Questions? Email s.peloquin@theuwsa.ca or visit theuwsa.ca/truth-and-growth

Tuition increases will cause more barriers and struggles for post-secondary education.

May 10th, 2021


WINNIPEG [Treaty 1 Territory] May 10, 2021 – On May 4, 2021, The University of Winnipeg announced the tuition would increase by 3.75 per cent for the 2021-2022 academic year. This increase will be the fourth consecutive year The University of Winnipeg has increased the tuition.

“This tuition increase comes at a time when many students are already struggling financially due to the pandemic and will adversely affect the most vulnerable students like low income and international students,” says Kiratveer Singh Hayer, President of the UWSA. “I staunchly oppose increases in tuition and will work hard over my term to ensure that education stays as affordable and accessible as possible.”

The tuition increase comes after a 1.8 per cent reduction to The University of Winnipeg’s operating budget; since 2017-2018, The University of Winnipeg has had its operating grant cut 3.6 per cent.

“Increasing tuition will put a barrier to accessing post-secondary education for many students, especially students with disabilities, Indigenous students, and international students who pay high tuition fees,” says the UWSA Vice-President Student Affairs, Reza Saker Hossain.

According to The University of Winnipeg, they will be providing an additional $100,000 to support international students facing financial challenges.

Right now, the UWSA asks the administration to consider consulting with students about future budgets. Doing so will create a more accessible institution and become transparent with why the increase happens.

About UWSA

Established in 1972, the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) democratically unites the students of the University of Winnipeg in order to advance student interests. As well as promoting communication within the University, the UWSA advocates on behalf of students to administrative bodies.


For further information, contact:

Alex Nguyen
Marketing & Public Relations Manager
The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association
0R30 – 515 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9
(204) 962-7023

Welcome to the new Execs and Directors of 2021/22!

May 3rd, 2021

The 2021-2022 Executive Team and Board of Directors have officially started their term. Welcome to the UWSA Team – Kirt, Jonathan, and Reza Saker!

An End-of-term Message from your 2020-21 UWSA President, Shawna Péloquin

April 30th, 2021

UWSA President for 2020-21 Shawna Peloquin

Tansi, Aanin, Watchiya, Students! Congratulation and Thank you for your perseverance, your dedication and your patience; it has been a rough year, and no one can anticipate the challenge of tomorrow. When I was elected your President, I was running under the Zhabwiiwin vision, which is the Anishinabemowin word for Overcoming Obstacles. Since obstacles have grown and yet you have completed your semester, you have made it to this day, and I am grateful for you and all that you have overcome this year.

A year ago, when I first started in Student politics, I was overwhelmed by the idea of becoming an Executive. It was a place of superheroes to me, leaders dedicated to social justice and in the service of others. The succession of UWSA Executives over the years have all brought unique leadership models to me that have inspired and motivated my own engagement with the university and beyond. Since, I have been reflecting a lot on what leadership means to me, how I perceive it and express it and how I want to act on it. My perspective of the UWSA has shifted in the last year. Holding Executive space has shown me that leadership does not need authority to be powerful. It does not need a position to be inspiring, but that it a space of courage, vulnerability and uncomfortable engagements.  For the 2020-2021 Executive Term, I found my inspiration, through the UWSA Board of Director and UWSA senators, the leadership models I aspire to learn from. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to work along with such talented leaders in the becoming, and at the end of the day, we all are leaders in the becoming. In the same way, we can’t predict what the pandemic brings next, so we can’t predict what we are able to do before we try. I’ve been your President for a short time and in a moment that all of us are apart. I have not been the leader I wanted to be, but I have become the leader I needed to see and that what I want for you.

I am honoured to have been your 2020-2021 UWSA President, and in awe of the students and leadership, I had the privilege to work and interact within this odd distance reality we now live in.  I want to take the time and space to also acknowledge the perseverance, kindness, and resilience of you, our students, our student groups and the student leaders that I did not get the chance to meet or work with. I thank all of you for the responsibilities and the brave steps you took to help your community with support; thank you for being present where we couldn’t.

Please also give this piece I made a read: MATRIARCHY AND MISOGYNY Asserting Lateral Kindness and Addressing White Supremacy

Kinanaskimitinawaw, Megwetch, Kichni-Marsii,

Shawna Péloquin
2020/21 President
University of Winnipeg Students’ Association

An End-of-term Message from your 2020-21 UWSA VP External Affairs, Jonathan Henderson

April 30th, 2021

2020-21 Vice President of the UWSA Jonathan Henderson

Aniin, tansi, boozhoo, hello, this has been a very difficult, trying year for all of us during this pandemic. 2020 brought a lot of personal loss of loved ones. What I realized is our entire community of the University of Winnipeg has a very strong spirit. Sure we are not perfect, but we persevere. I have been so blessed and humbled by the support, not only from the UWSA but from both current and former classmates and teachers, reaching out with love and support. I was also honoured to provide empathy and compassion that was shown me, back to those that reach out and shared their personal losses. That really helped in my healing and grieving journey. We all have experienced added stress and anxiety during this pandemic, the biggest message I want to send at this time, please reach out for help and support. We all need that extra love from one another, a kind comment on social media is our reality, since we cannot physically hug, but reaching out and spreading love is what connects us to our humanity towards each other, helping each other when we get knocked down in life. Just hearing, “you got this” sometimes is that extra encouragement is what you need to hear, but also do not be afraid to say you love each other. I know this can be difficult for some, but it does lift one’s spirit.

Within this role as Vice-President of External Affairs, I had the honour to advocate on behalf of students against Bill 33 – the advance education administration act. This gave so much valuable experience and knowledge regarding advocacy at that level, working with the government. Although the Bill has passed to a final reading, the pressure put on us students and student leaders across Manitoba, got an amendment to the Bill that will leave student fees alone. Which is was one of the goals of our campaign. Also, working on the Positive Space Policy was humbling, to have that pass and get approved after consultations with students, staff, and faculty, truly was a blessed experience. Finally, I want to touch on the Campaigns & External Relations Committee. This group did some amazing work, not only helping with the Positive Space Policy and other business, but the highlight was our approval of a $5,000 donation to Eisha Hudson’s family for support in their quest for justice for their daughter Eisha, on behalf of the UWSA.

Moving forward in this next term, utilizing what I have already learned, will continue with consultation processes with students, to pursue more active student engagement. This will certainly evolve the continued growth of the Positive Space Policy. And working with the new incoming Executives, looking forward to working together as a team, to address what concerns and advocacy that is brought forth, from you our student body, in the upcoming year. The attitude and ideology I will continue to lead with come from my Indigenous roots, with more focus on honouring our past generations, but also have the mentality of thinking about generations ahead in the work I do this year.

Again, if you feel you need to talk to someone, even to just vent, please reach out to your supports. I want also to let you know that I am offering my time as well to be one of those supports if you need to. I have been through a lot and can definitely share an empathetic ear and compassionate dialogue from the heart. Stay safe, and focused in your academic journeys, much love to you all.


Jonathan Henderson
2020/21 Vice-President External Affairs
University of Winnipeg Students’ Association

University of Winnipeg Students’ Association donates $150,000 to create new international student bursary

April 30th, 2021

University of Winnipeg Students’ Association donates $150,000 to create new international student bursary


The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) has donated $150,000 to support international students through the creation of a new bursary.

The UWSA International Student Health Plan Bursary will assist international undergraduate students, with demonstrated financial need, in covering the costs associated with their healthcare plan at The University of Winnipeg.

UWSA President Shawna Peloquin explained that the donation to create this bursary was an important, but easy decision to make due to the barriers international students face when it comes to healthcare.

“We deeply value our international students and we are grateful to have the ability to bring support forward as they face unequal barriers to healthcare,” said Peloquin. “At the UWSA, we believe in investing in our priorities and we acknowledge our international student community as a driving presence in our growth, learning, and becoming, and we stand in solidarity with them and their community of support.”

International Students’ Co-Directors Elsa Owusu and Francisca Idigbe, being international students themselves, are excited to see the launch of this bursary as international student healthcare was a top priority for them during their term on the UWSA Board.

“In these very challenging times for so many UWinnipeg students, it is humbling to see the UWSA stepping up and making such a generous donation to support international students, who are away from their families and in many cases with very limited financial resources,” said Javier Schwersensky, UWinnipeg Foundation President and CEO. “The University of Winnipeg Foundation is honoured to be part of this effort and we hope other members of the community will be equally moved by the UWSA’s leadership and generosity, and choose to join them and contribute to this fund.”

Pending approval by the University of Winnipeg Senate, international students will be eligible to apply for the bursary starting at the end of August for the 2021-22 academic year.

Media Contact
Brandon Logan, Digital Communications Coordinator
The University of Winnipeg

Original article can be found at: news.uwinnipeg.ca/uwsa-donation-creates-new-international-student-bursary

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg