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Thank you UWSA President, Kirt Hayer, for your work at The UWSA

April 28th, 2023

Thank you, Kirt Hayer, for your astounding work as the UWSA President from 2021-2023. We wish you luck in your future endeavours.

Here are some of Kirt’s accomplishments from his 2022-2023 term:

  • Worked with all UWSA departments in leading a successful return to in person service delivery for students this Fall after the pandemic hiatus.
  • Worked with other Exec and University Admin to establish and promote Open Source Educational Resources on campus (OER) as free textbooks options for students for the Fall, Winter, and Spring semesters.
  • Successfully advocated for the implementation the flex parking pass.
  • Created Directors lounge to promote participation in the UWSA and engagement with student body.
  • Arranged for UWSA lockers to be provided in the Bulman Student Centre concourse for use by UWSA directors and student groups.
  • Working with alumni association on creating apparel for fundraising, the proceeds of which will go towards a scholarship.
  • Hosted student soccer tournament.
  • Met with Honourable Jon Reyes, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Immigration to discuss the status of the Post-Secondary Accountability Framework, International Students Health Coverage, and Indigenous Student Success, among other topics.
  • Co-organized and hosted successful demo event to introduce student cricket programming at RecPlex where 16 students participated in the match and over 40 signed up to play and/or observed.
  • Met bi-weekly with Uwinnipeg senior administration to bring forward student concerns and then follow up with students directly on on-going basis.
  • Met each term with the UWinnipeg President Dr. Todd Mondor to discuss emerging student priorities, strategic directions for the organization and to provide direct student
    representation on wide range of student issues
  • Attended a presentation by the Downtown Community Safety Partnership (DCSP) and promoted their services for students on campus. Worked with administration in order to
    improve campus safety.
  • Advocated for the introduction of bylaws which require at least three quotes for goods and services being bought by the UWSA.
  • Sourced sustainable promotional materials from more affordable suppliers than were previously used by the UWSA. • Hired a new Chief Operating Officer who has over 30 years of board governance experience.
  • Made UWSA a member to new external advocacy organizations like CASA and MAPSS which has resulted in stronger relationships with our counterparts at the U of M and RRC than in previous administrations.
  • Led the changing of UWSA Elections bylaws to create a process that gives candidates more agency in their campaign. Shortened training from 5 days to 1 day. Removed unnecessary Elections Campaign Facilitator positions, saving funds and making the elections bureaucracy more responsive and accessible to navigate for candidates.

End of Year message from UWSA VPEA, Jonathan Henderson

April 28th, 2023

Aniin, boozhoo, tansi, hello.

Again, it has been an honour and privilege to work on behalf of our University of Winnipeg (U of W) student family for a third term. I have been so humbled to have done so much for our community and students of the University of Winnipeg throughout my tenure. I have led through my Anishinaabe worldview and 7 sacred teachings, and this has allowed me to have success in building healthy relationships throughout my tenure as Vice President External Affairs (VPEA). Treating others with those teachings from the heart with love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility, and truth. I am so grateful to have been afforded this honour to serve as VPEA of three terms and look forward to my fourth and final term, and working with  a new Executive team.  This past year I wanted to highlight some of the initiatives the UWSA accomplished and hope to grow.

This year started with our second annual Truth and Reconciliation Week. This included events to raise awareness and education of the Residential School System, its impact and legacy. We also provided over 300 orange shirts directly to our students. This year we also had an evening with Geraldine Shingoose, (Residential School Survivor/Community Elder). Students were also encouraged to march from the Forks to St. John’s Park where a pow-wow was organized for the community.

Advocating against Bill 33 has always been a big part of my portfolio. It has been a privilege to build good respectful relationships with all parties, including the Minister of Advanced Education, Skills, and Immigration Honourable Jon Reyes, NDP member Jamie Moses, and Liberal party leader Dougald Lamont. Agenda items included: Post-Secondary Education Accountability Framework policy consultations and advocacy, International Student Health Care, and Indigenous student success. Part of the advocacy process, I had the honour of being invited to attend the Throne Speech at the Legislative Building. First time attending this event, I was so humbled for the invite and the networking was incredible.

It was a humbling experience to bring the 2nd Annual Unsheltered Relatives Initiative. Raising over $2,500 towards hot meals and beverages to our unsheltered relatives on the streets of Winnipeg was such a humbling experience for our student volunteers. To provide a small kind gesture really means the world to some that really struggling in life. To see that joy from something simple as hot meals, helps you realize how blessed we are in our academic journeys. Remember people go to bed and pray to be where we are as current students. We partnered with the Feast Bistro once again this year for the food (chilli, bannock, and a cookie).

I was also proud to be part of the planning committee to bring the Freedom Road 40 film screening, that was 4 years in the making, due to the pandemic.

This upcoming year I want to finish strong and continue the strong work of past executives, and do the work needed to ensure a bright strong future in place for the UWSA and future executives by accomplishing this hard work and dedication from your current and new executive team. The UWSA family has many wonderful events planned and upcoming that will continue to build on the momentum of student engagement among UWSA events and activities. I encourage all student to keep in touch with UWSA events and activities through the UWSA website and social media platforms such as Instagram.


Miigwetch, ekosi, thank you.

Jonathan Henderson, VPEA

Next Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, April 26

April 21st, 2023

The next UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is on Wednesday, April 26, at 3:00 PM over Zoom.

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 2.00 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

Please review the following documents before the meeting:


230426 AGENDA

Election Report GE 2023

AGM 230320 Minutes

Annual General Meeting 2023 Package:

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

Info Booth Closed on April 24-28

April 20th, 2023

Info Booth Photo

The Info Booth will be closed the week of April 24 to 28, and it will reopen on May 1.

Students can book appointments through the next week by emailing

Suit Up! Winnipeg Suit Drive

April 11th, 2023

Suit Up Winnipeg

What: Suit Up Winnipeg’s Suit Drive

We are looking for students, faculty, staff, and the public who have gently used men’s formal wear – suits, blazers, shirts, slacks, shoes, and more to donate.

Where: The University of Winnipeg. Items to drop-off locations by car to Marsha Hanen Way or in person to the Bulman Centre.

When: April 27 from 7:00 am until 1:00 pm.

Vaisakhi Celebration on April 14

April 4th, 2023

Vaisakhi Celebration

Celebrate the festival of Vaisakhi with the UWSA as we gather in the Bulman Centre to share food, prayers, performances, and socialize! Vegetarian lunch will be served. All students are welcome to attend! RSVP here.

*Please do not bring any tobacco, meat, or alcohol into the space*

*Sikh students can get exam deferral. Prayers will be from 11:00 am-12:30 pm*

Vaisakhi, or Baisakhi, was originally a spring harvest festival celebrated in the northern Indian state of Punjab. The festival gained religious significance for Sikhs when Guru Gobind Singh – the 10th and final living guru for Sikhs – created the Khalsa in 1699. For more on the history and significance of Vaisakhi, visit here.

Screening of DAWN, HER DAD & THE TRACTOR on March 31st

March 27th, 2023

Writer/Director/Actor Shelley Thompson is delighted to announce the creation of a new fund, to support trans youth, at Phoenix Youth Programs.

The DAWN Fund will be launched on March 31, 2023, the International Trans Day of Visibility, with a series of screenings of Thompson’s feature film DAWN, HER DAD & THE TRACTOR, winner of the 2022 Nova Scotia Masterworks Prize.

DAWN, HER DAD & THE TRACTOR tells the story of a young trans woman returning home after the death of her mother to make peace with her estranged father.  As Dawn and her dad begin to restore the old family tractor, they cautiously rebuild their relationship and come to understand the mechanics of the heart.

The story evolved from Thompson’s experience of living in a rural Nova Scotia setting and being a parent to a young trans man – singer-songwriter T. Thomason.

On March 31, 2023, funds raised at a number of screenings in schools, universities, churches and public libraries will bolster the fund, including at The University of Winnipeg in The Hive (Lockhart Hall). Thompson’s hope is to see every March 31st helping to build and continue the fund with educational screenings.

This fund could not have been imagined without the help of the team at Phoenix Youth Programs, and the support of DAWN’s producer, Terry Greenlaw.

This Friday, March 31, at 6:00PM you can join us to watch DAWN, and make a donation to the DAWN fund at The UWSA Hive at the University of Winnipeg (515 Portage Ave). Pay what you can entrance – No one will be turned away for lack of funds. 

TW: Language, Assumed Violence for Trans Individual , Death of Family Member, Deadnaming/Misgendering

Please RSVP through the Eventbrite page: Eventbrite Page

Check the DAWN Website,

UWSA Board of Director Meeting Rescheduled for

March 27th, 2023

The UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is rescheduled and will happen on Wednesday, March 29, at 5:30 PM over Zoom.

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4.30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

Please review the following documents before the meeting:


230322 AGENDA

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

Resignation of Reza Hossain, UWSA VPSA 2021-23

March 23rd, 2023

Reza Hossain Photo

The last two years have been very important for the UWSA with many positive changes and development, and I am humbled to be part of the team that work so dedicatedly to support our student body during these years. However, these years were also full of challenges for the UWSA as well as for our student body as we continued learning and working amid a global pandemic and had to navigate through the impacts of the pandemic and the post-pandemic changes. After serving our student body for nearly two years, when I am almost at the end of my 2-year term, I have made a difficult decision to resign from my role as the Vice-President of Student Affairs.

I always loved helping our students in whichever capacity I could. I led multiple clubs between 2019 and 2022 and served as the director of student life at the UWSA during 2019-20 as a volunteer. And so, it was a privilege to be elected to the role of Vice-President of Student Affairs and be able to help our students in an even greater capacity. It was not an easy decision to leave my role as I would very much love to continue helping the University of Winnipeg students through my work.

However, it has become very important for me right now to take some time off to take care of my health and well-being, and so I have decided to resign from my role as the VPSA.

With my role soon being filled by the newly elected Vice-President of Student Affairs, I believe there will not be any lacking in terms of student support.

I want to thank the students at the University of Winnipeg again for electing me to serve them and I hope the little positive changes that I was able to make have helped our student body and would continue to do so in the coming days.

I also want to thank my colleagues at the UWSA – the executives, the board members, and all members of the staff team – for sharing the passion and enthusiasm of helping our students and supporting my work throughout my term which allowed me to successfully serve our student body.

Reza Hossain
Vice-President Student Affairs (2021-23)
The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA)

Next Board of Directors Meeting on Wednesday, March 22

March 20th, 2023

UWSA Board Meeting

The next UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is on Wednesday, March 22, at 5:30 PM over Zoom.

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4.30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

Please review the following documents before the meeting:


230322 AGENDA

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg