
UWSA Senators and Students-at-Large Applications

September 14th, 2021

The UWSA has begun accepting applications for Senators and Students-at-large.


The UWSA is seeking applicants to fill vacant UWSA Senator seats. UWSA Senators represent all UW students to the University of Winnipeg Senate and Senate Committees. The Senate makes decisions on all academic matters of the university, including curriculum development, student academic appeals, and the setting of academic standards. Senate meets monthly and Senate Committees meet bi-weekly to monthly, depending on the committee. Getting involved with the University Senate is a great way to learn more about how the University operates, connect with other students, and become a student leader.

Committees of the UWSA Board of Directors include a combination of directors and students-at-large. The committees convene regularly to guide the business of the UWSA. Two student-at-large seats are available on each of the following committees:

  • Finance Operations Committee
  • Campaigns and External Relations Committee
  • Student Life Committee

The deadline to apply is Tuesday, September 21.

Click here to find the postings


UWSA 2021-22 Opening Update

September 2nd, 2021

Over the last year, the UWSA has operated completely remote and online. We will continue to prioritize remote work but have some staff members working at the UWSA office.

In light of the current public health situation, the UWSA will continue to take precautionary measures essential to the safety of all students, staff, and the community. To prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and the delta variant, we will continue to be closed to the general public, which is in line with the Vaccination Requirement to be on UWinnipeg Campus This Fall.

All non-essential UWSA services, services centres, offices, and events are closed to the general public until further notice.

Here is a list of all services that will be affected:


Info Booth will be open in September Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM. Info Booth will not be accepting cash. Students can e-mail or call Info Booth staff about their Health Plan concerns at and 204-786-9787. Please visit the Info Booth Page for more info.

UWSA U-Pass will not be active for the 2021-22 Academic Year school year. Students can purchase a Post-Secondary Semester pass at the UWSA Info Booth, Shoppers Drug Mart, and 7-Eleven at the rate of $283/semester. Read the full update here: UWSA U-Pass Program Update.

Advocacy services are being offered virtually and in person through your VP Student Affairs, Reza Saker Hossain, and the Services Manager, Binara Hewagamage. Please e-mail Reza Saker at or for more information.

Campaigns continue via our website and social media. Please e-mail for more information.

UWSA Daycare is closed to the general public but operates as a childcare facility.


All in-person UWSA programming is either relocated or operating virtually until further notice. Here is the complete list:

Community Programs

  • The UWSA Bike Lab is offering virtual programming. Students and community members can contact the Bike Lab Team via email or tune in to the weekly radio show Email contact: Dave Dorning, Bike Lab Coordinator
  • The UWSA-UWinnipeg Safewalk program remains operational via UWinnipeg Security. Students and community members can access a SafeWalk or SafeRide by calling 204-786-9272 or emailing

Student Lounges

All UWSA Student Lounges are operating remotely and meeting virtually over Zoom, including:


We will be prioritizing virtual events for the safety of the public. Any in-person events will be held outdoors with masks while following the provincial health guidelines. UWSA spaces will be unavailable for booking until further notice.

For a list of University updates, please visit Campus Updates on COVID-19.

The UWSA looks forward to working with students in person, but we must remember we need to reduce the risk of COVID-19 and think of the well-being of students, staff, and the community. Thank you for your patience.

Please check our website for current and accurate updates on the situation and follow all government-recommended health, safety and travel guidelines outlined on UWinnipeg’s website.


Computers 4 Schools returns!

August 31st, 2021

The UWSA is partnering with Computers for Schools again to give students-in-need access to a desktop for their home! You must be a University of Winnipeg student to be eligible to receive one of the desktops. Sign up now while supplies last!

Click here to fill out the Computers for School form

For more info, please email Services Manager Binara Hewagamage at

After filling out the form, you’ll receive an email in the next couple of weeks telling you how and when to pick up your desktop.

You will receive:

  • Desktop Specifications:
  • CPU Speed – 2.0GHz+
  • Memory – 4.0GB
  • Hard Drive – 500 GB
  • Monitor
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • And, all required cables

U-Pass Program Suspended for the 2021-22 Academic School Year

August 27th, 2021

The UWSA U-Pass program will not be active for the 2021-22 academic school year. As a result, the UWSA U-Pass fee will not be assessed for new and returning full-time UWinnipeg students when they pay their tuition fees.

The UWSA recognizes that some students need to access transit. Therefore, in the absence of the UWSA U-Pass, students will be able to buy the Post-Secondary Semester Passes at the UWSA Info Booth, Shoppers Drug Mart, and 7-Eleven at the rate of $283/semester. Find the full list of Transit Customer Service Centres and partner agents here.

To minimize the financial impact on students, they can apply for the UWSA Transit Subsidy program to reimburse towards the cost difference roughly equivalent ($83) to the projected cost of the UWSA U-Pass for full-time graduate and undergraduate UWinnipeg students-in-need.

The deadline to apply is Friday, October 1, 2021

To apply for the UWSA Transit Subsidy please visit the UWinnipeg Awards and Bursary page.

How to Apply:

  1. Log in to UWinnpieg online award application using your UWinnipeg webmail ID and password.
  2. Complete the General Application for Awards.
  3. If you meet the criteria (financial need and full-time undergraduate or graduate student status), you will see the UWSA Transit Subsidy in the list of Recommended Opportunities.
  4. You must then apply directly for the subsidy by uploading an image of your semester pass receipt.

We hope to have the UWSA U-Pass up and running for the 2022-23 Academic School year, depending on students’ vote outcomes in the 2022 UWSA Referendum. Please be on the lookout for when students can vote for the u-pass.

If you have questions about the UWSA U-Pass program, the UWSA Transit Subsidy, or Winnipeg Transit products, please reach out to us at

Farmer’s Protest in India enters its Eighth Month

August 26th, 2021

Many South Asian students at the UofW have expressed concerns about the Farmer’s Protest in Delhi, India. I recognize the importance of the protest, which has entered its eighth month of demonstrations.

Beginning as local protests by farmers in individual states in India, the Farmer’s Protest movement transitioned and escalated into a national demonstration in the capital of India. The farmers have been protesting in opposition to three unfair agricultural bills. This movement is being called the largest protest in human history and is crucial to farmers in India and many Indian students at The University of Winnipeg. As well, this protest has led to demonstrations in cities across the world, including in Winnipeg.

In solidarity with this global movement, I recognize that these agricultural policies are detrimental to the interests and livelihoods of Indian farmers. The agricultural policies proposed by the Indian Government create an opportunity for exploitation of farmers by private corporations. In countries across the world, the farm industry is heavily dependent on government subsidies and services.

In place of the lack of government support, I want to thank organizations such as Khalsa Aid that currently ensure that support for farmers. Our hearts and prayers go out to those affected domestically and internationally, within and outside the University of Winnipeg community.


Kirtaveer Singh Hayer

UWSA President

The next UWSA Board of Director Meeting will be conducted over Zoom on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 5.30 PM

August 23rd, 2021

The next UWSA Board of Director Meeting will be conducted over Zoom on Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at 5.30 PM.

Please review the documents below:

210825 AGENDA

210825 OPEN Package


All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4.30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

A Message of Solidarity for Afghan Students

August 20th, 2021

We are deeply saddened by the recent events unfolding in Afghanistan.

The Taliban and their fundamentalist interpretation of Islam are opposed to basic rights and freedoms such as the freedom of expression, freedom of conscience, Women’s rights, and democracy. The UWSA wants to express solidarity with all those affected and reaffirm its commitment to protecting students, including migrant and refugee communities.

After speaking with students of the UofW Afghan community, the UWSA understands there is a great deal of concern and anxiety for students, particularly for friends, family and loved ones currently residing in Afghanistan.

We want to remind any students affected they have access to counselling resources. A list of mental health resources is on the UWSA Website, counselling services available to all UWinnipeg students free-of-charge at the Student Wellness Centre, and online counselling available for students through



Vaccination required on UWinnipeg campus this fall

August 19th, 2021

WINNIPEG, MB – To further safeguard the health of students, faculty members, and staff, The University of Winnipeg will require proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 to attend campus this fall.

“Our long-awaited return to in-person learning is nearing and we want to ensure it will be safe and successful. Manitoba infection rates have plummeted, and people are finally feeling optimistic about the future— we need to keep it that way. Vaccines are the best protection we have against COVID-19. By ensuring that everyone on campus is protected, we go the extra mile to keep Manitoba healthy and increase the likelihood of an even fuller campus reopening for the winter term,” said Dr. James Currie, Interim President and Vice-Chancellor.

Surveys conducted in recent days showed that 79% of UWinnipeg faculty and staff members and 72% of students who participated in the online questionnaire support a vaccination requirement to attend campus. Of the survey respondents, 92% of students and 97% of faculty/staff are fully or partly vaccinated.

Currently, 81% of eligible Manitobans have had their first dose and 74% have had both doses. In Winnipeg, the vaccination rate is nearly 84% — indicating the vast majority already meet the campus requirement. Anyone who cannot be vaccinated due to health reasons will be exempt from the mandate, upon medical verification.

The UWinnipeg campus will remain closed to the public for the fall term. Students, faculty members, and staff who are authorized to be on site will enter via controlled access points. All must show proof of full vaccination or attest to becoming fully vaccinated and provide proof within a specified timeframe. The University will consider options such as remote learning/working or attending campus with proof of a negative COVID test for those who do not comply.

In addition to the vaccination mandate, UWinnipeg’s robust return-to-campus safety plan includes other key measures such as mandatory masking, enhanced cleaning, and an upgraded ventilation system.

“Our vaccination requirement may inconvenience a few people, but it will give peace of mind to many. Above all, we believe it is the right thing to do. Hopefully, this mandate will motivate everyone in our community to consider the safety of themselves and others so that we may all feel positive about returning to campus,” said Dr. Currie.

The vaccination mandate does not apply to high school students who attend the UWinnipeg Collegiate. It does not apply to fitness centre members and external organizations that arrange to use space within the Axworthy Health & RecPlex.


Who must be vaccinated to come onto campus?

The vaccination mandate applies to all UWinnipeg students, faculty members, and staff who attend campus for learning, studying, teaching, research, or work. It does not apply to high school students who attend the UWinnipeg Collegiate. It does not apply to fitness centre members and external organizations that arrange to use space within the Axworthy Health & RecPlex.

What about people who want to come on campus for reasons besides school?

Most campus buildings will remain closed to the public for the Fall Term and until further notice. These sites will be controlled by access points. Only those students and employees who are authorized to enter may do so.

Will the fitness centre and RecPlex be open?

Yes, the Axworthy Health & RecPlex and Duckworth Centre will be open to all members and organizations that have arranged for facility use. For details about safety protocols and rules of use for these buildings, please see the Recreation Services website.

How do vaccinated people gain entrance to campus?

Faculty, staff and students who are fully vaccinated will be required to present one-time proof of vaccination: Manitoba Immunization QR Codes, Manitoba Immunization Cards, Manitoba Immunization Records, or proof from other jurisdictions. Once verified, a campus-access sticker will be affixed to their student or employee ID card. The card with sticker will need to be presented at designated access points to enter campus.

Can I come onto campus if I’m partially vaccinated or don’t have proof that I’m fully vaccinated?

Those who are unable to prove full vaccination — or are partially vaccinated and scheduled to complete their vaccination — will be asked to sign a self-declaration form. They will receive a temporary access sticker, which will be valid for a limited time. Once proof of full vaccination is shown, the sticker will be upgraded to full access. If compliance is not met in the specified timeframe, access will be revoked.

What are my options if I’m not vaccinated and don’t plan to be?

Those who are unable to be vaccinated and provide satisfactory medical verification will be exempted from the policy and permitted to access campus.

Those who are unwilling to be vaccinated will be provided several options:

  • Remote learning (students)
  • Remote working if operationally feasible (employees)
  • Proof of negative COVID-19 Test (students, employees)

Are masks required on campus as well?

To reduce the risk of infection from and spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, the University of Winnipeg is requiring that everyone wear a facemask when indoors in University spaces, effective August 7, 2021 until further notice. This mask mandate applies to all students, staff, faculty, contractors, and visitors. Exemptions will be made for individuals who require a medical accommodation. See full details of the UWinnipeg mask mandate.


Kevin Rosen, Executive Director, Marketing and Communications
The University of Winnipeg

By-Law Amendment Proposal August 11, 2021

August 11th, 2021

The By-Law Amendment Proposal package includes information on the Election Reform Amendments and Motion Recommendations. You can view the full summary here: By-Law Amendment Proposal Report August 11, 2021.

These By-Law amendment proposals will be considered at the Wednesday, August 25 Board of Directors Meeting.

For any questions on the proposal please email the chair of the board, Anjola Aderinto, at

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4.30 PM on the meeting day for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.


Roll Call 2021

August 11th, 2021

Roll Call 2021 is September 8 – 10!

Mark your calendars for a host of free fun events!

🎨 Dance and Art workshops⠀
🧩 Online Trivia w/ Amazing Entertainment
🎁  Instagram giveaway and a free silent auction
🎬  Rooftop WAG Film screening w/Cinematheque
🎉  After Party w/Sherbrook Street Fest at The Beercan
🛍️  Free UWSA swag bags and handbooks⠀

Free entry | All welcome

Detailed daily schedule + performers + food menu details coming soon! Visit
@theuwsa on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram for an update.

Please e-mail accessibility requests and event questions to

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg