
Addressing the 2019 BIPoC Lounge Temporary Closure

December 8th, 2020

In November 4, 2019, the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association temporarily closed the UWSA BIPoC Lounge, a space for racialized students on campus to gather and find community.

The decision was made by the 2019-20 Executive team, in consultation with UWSA staff, due to concerns around substance abuse and conflict between lounge members, particularly Black and Indigenous students.

The UWSA acknowledges that our response in November failed racialized students on campus when they needed us. Any decision should have been made with consultation with lounge members from a harm reduction lens and we needed to come from a place of understanding instead of blame.

Anti-Blackness and systemic racism at the UWSA is something we have been working on for the last few months and we’re grateful for the students and employees who have raised their voice to hold us accountable.

In order to move towards healing, we recognize that change must come from within. We will make sure that marginalized voices are represented in our decisions going forward. When making tough decisions, we are committed to involving the communities affected by those decisions and communicating transparently.

To start the process, we are reviewing and updating our Positive Space Policy. This Policy will guide us in creating a safer space for People of Colour at the UWSA. Until the policy is constructed, our service centres will operate under the guidelines set by UWinnipeg’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy, which seeks to create a campus environment where members of the University community are free from harassment and discrimination.

The BIPOC Lounge is currently active online and we’re grateful for the members that continue to support the lounge and persevere despite our shortcomings. We are dedicated to creating safer and better ways to come together while respecting and acknowledging the experiences of BIPoC students.

If you have any concerns regarding discrimination or harassment in any UWSA service centre, or  wish to provide feedback on policy development, please contact our Services Manager, Binara Hewagamage at b.hewagamage@theuwsa.ca.

In reconciliation,
The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association

UWSA Board of Directors Meeting: Wednesday, December 2, 2020

November 30th, 2020

The next UWSA Board of Director Meeting will be conducted over Zoom on Wednesday, December 2, 2020 at 5.30 PM.

Please review the agenda here: December 2 BOD Agenda

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email t.hanan@theuwsa.ca by 4.30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

UWSA Supports Coalition Calling for Truly Universal Healthcare Coverage

November 24th, 2020

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association strongly endorses the recently launched Healthcare for All Manitoba Campaign.

Healthcare for All Manitoba is launching a campaign calling on the province of Manitoba to immediately provide truly universal health care coverage to all residents of Manitoba. Many in Manitoba are not covered by provincial health care including migrant workers with work permits of less than one year, international students, many refugee claimants, and undocumented migrants. The digital launch will feature community advocates and migrants with lived experience highlighting how the campaign demands will protect the health of everyone in the province to ensure the health of all.

“Healthcare is a basic human right and a fundamental part of responsible public health,” says Dorota Blumczynska, Executive Director of the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba and President of the Canadian Council for Refugees. “The pandemic has made it clear: we must ensure everyone in Manitoba has access to health care to protect the health and safety of all who live in the province.”

Currently, many uninsured people will avoid seeking health care due to fear of being charged for the care and some will fear possible detention and deportation if their immigration status is reported to the authorities. Without adequate health care coverage if they are ill, many will feel pressured to continue to work due to financial circumstances.

“Many migrant workers have proven to be the essential workers needed in our province during the pandemic, but they are also at increased risk of contracting COVID-19 and becoming ill while working,” says Diwa Marcelino, who supports migrant workers through Migrante Manitoba. “Providing comprehensive health coverage to all migrants, regardless of status, is essential to ensuring the rights and health of all our community members.”

In 2018 the Province cut off international students from accessing public healthcare in Manitoba. The Canadian Federation of Students Manitoba points out that the annual cost of delivering this healthcare coverage was only 3.1 million compared to the $400+ million dollars international students contribute to Manitoba’s economy each year. The loss of healthcare combined with even-more drastically increasing tuition fees puts international students’ well-being at risk while also eliminating any incentive for future students to choose Manitoba as a place to study.

The Healthcare for All coalition has a core set of demands. It calls on the province to immediately provide comprehensive and free healthcare coverage to all residents of Manitoba regardless of immigration status. Second, the coalition urges the province to develop and implement a multilingual communication campaign to inform all those currently without provincial health care coverage about the availability of free COVID testing and treatment without a health card. Third, this means the province must inform all healthcare institutions and providers of expanded coverage for those without health insurance. Finally, the coalition calls on the province to create and enforce strict confidentiality policies and provide staff with training to protect the safety of residents with precarious immigration status and ensure they can access health care without jeopardizing their ability to remain in Canada.

“I know people in my community who have lost their immigration status for a variety of reasons and become undocumented,” says Maggie Yeboah of African Communities of Manitoba Inc. “The fear of living without health coverage during a pandemic, combined with the fear of risking their ability to stay in Canada if they do seek help, is overwhelming. We need to respect the inherent worth and dignity of all people in our community and ensure the right to access healthcare without fear.”

Healthcare for All Manitoba is a new coalition bringing together organizations who support migrants in a range of areas and see the need for equitable healthcare access. Founding organizations include: Immigrant & Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba (IRCOM), Manitoba Association of Community Health (MACH), Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO), Migrante Manitoba, Canadian Federation of Students, CUPE Manitoba, Social Planning Council of Winnipeg, Immigration Partnership Winnipeg, and the Manitoba Health Coalition.

For more information on the coalition’s demands and the most current list of partners, visit www.cfsmb.ca/campaigns/healthcareforall.

UWSA Special General Meeting 2020

October 29th, 2020

Join us for the 2020 Special General Meeting on November 4 from 12.30 – 1.30 PM. The SGM is a chance for UWSA members to receive an update on the budget and operations, meet the directors elected in the By-Election, and propose motions.

The 2020 SGM will be held via Zoom. To pre-register, please email us at j.black@theuwsa.ca using your WebMail and include your student number in the e-mail. Food vouchers will be provided at the event.

SGM Agenda and Package

SGM 2020 Agenda
2019 Audited Financial Statements
Operating Budget 2020-21

Questions? Email chair@theuwsa.ca or j.black@theuwsa.ca. 

2020 UWSA By-Election Results*

October 28th, 2020

2020 By-Election Results*

Turnout: 870 (8.8%) of 9850 electors voted in this ballot.

Recreation and Athletics Director:

  • Total votes casted for Jacob Wiseman: 611 votes (86.8%)

Science Director:

  • Total votes casted for Olivia Ferreira: 542 votes (71.6%)
  • Total votes casted for Isaiah Zacharias: 215 votes (28.4%)

Women & Non-Binary Students’ Director:

  • Total votes casted for Arshiya Bagheri Torbehbar: 660 votes (90.3%)

Board of Regents Representative: 

  • Total votes casted for Holly Hunter: 658 votes (91.4%)

PACE Director:

  • Total votes casted for Valerie Bermudez: 685 votes (92.7%)

Vice-President External Affairs:

  • Total votes casted for Jonathan Henderson: 647 votes (87.8%)


  • Total votes casted for Shawna Peloquin: 660 votes (88.6%)

Click here to view detailed voting results.

*Results are unofficial until ratified at the UWSA Special General Meeting on November 4, 2020.

Addressing Institutional Racism at the UWSA

October 27th, 2020

Dear students and community members,

Over the last few months, we have gone through a significant learning experience that has led us to re-evaluate the way we work with and support students. In August 2020, two out of the three UWSA Executives resigned in the midst of a very difficult situation.

As the situation evolved in June, the UWSA asked the University of Winnipeg’s Human Rights and Diversity Office (HRDO) to conduct an investigation so that the UWSA Board could understand what had occurred from everyone’s perspective.  The University was unable to investigate because the Policy does not allow for a complaint to be brought forward on behalf of another party, and because the issue fell beyond its jurisdiction. The UWSA Board recognized that it needed to address the issue at a deeper, organizational level and hired an external consultant to engage in a process which allowed the UWSA to examine its strengths and weaknesses.

All of this was happening in the midst of two global events: the COVID-19 pandemic and the mobilization of the Black Lives Matter movement. While every student has been impacted by both events, the experiences of Black, Racialized and Indigenous peoples have been profound.

A final report of the organizational process is in progress.  However, some emerging conclusions are listed below:

  • The UWSA exists to support students at the University of Winnipeg. The student body is diverse and representative of different social, cultural, and political identities. Honouring and respecting that diversity is fundamental to the UWSA in its work.
  • To respect the diversity of the UWSA membership, we need to strengthen our platforms and spaces that promote dialogue and debate. We need safe spaces for disagreement, and to maintain respect for each student engaged in these conversations. When it comes to supporting racism, elections, and open discussions, the UWSA must, and can, do better.
  • While social media has some value in raising issues, we were reminded that important social issues like addressing racism cannot be resolved solely through social media.
  • We learned that the UWSA will need to find better ways to support Executives as they transition, particularly when they have very different ideological foundations or approaches. We are committed to establishing a change management strategy between Executives that honours both sets of student leaders – one group transitioning out and the other coming in.
  • Most Executives have ambitious agendas that cannot be achieved in their one-year term. We need to engage students with UWSA initiatives and strategies that go beyond the annual election cycle and campaigns. Many of the issues that students want to see changed are systemic in nature and take longer than one year.
  • We want the election process to be focused on the strengths that are our student leaders bring, instead of replicating systems and processes that are known to harm individuals. We want to get creative and constructive about our election process.
  • The UWSA is committed to doing its part in ending all forms of discrimination, including Anti-Black and Indigenous racism. When accusations of racism came up, the UWSA Board took leadership to respond to the issue. As we moved forward throughout the past few months, we recognized that there are multiple strategies to address racism and many students put forward their thinking.  This critical discussion deserves more platforms so that we, at the UWSA, can do better.  We learned that doing harm to others does not address racism – holding people accountable through relationship is how we can all learn and change.
  • We want to recognize the UWSA Board and Executive who respected the process to try and address this situation and find solutions. We would like to thank former Executives and board members who continue to participate in the process to make the UWSA a stronger organization.
  • The UWSA Board is committed to moving forward and will be reviewing the final report from the consultant before the end of October. We will be preparing a plan of action before the end of the year that will be shared with the full student body.
  • We have been reminded through these many difficult situations that relationships matter and when we work at having honest and respectful relationships we can get through any issue together.

In order to move forward, the UWSA Board agreed to invite the 2020-21 Vice-President Student Affairs, Melanie William, back to her position for the remainder of her elected term. The UWSA Board has established a Code of Conduct and is committed to creating a safe working and learning environment at the UWSA. In the spirit of reconciliation, the board and executives, including resigned members, have agreed to come together in a sharing circle to learn from our collective experience.

Yours in Solidarity,

University of Winnipeg Students’ Association’s Board of Directors and Staff, 2020-21

By-Election Voting Begins Monday, October 26!

October 23rd, 2020

🗳️ Voting for the UWSA 2020 By-Elections opens Monday, Oct 26 at 9 AM and ends on Oct 28 at 6 PM! ⠀

⚠️ Check your Webmail on Monday morning (including spam!) for your unique ID, password, and voting link.

Learn all about your candidates and their agendas before you cast your vote! Download this handy Voter Guide for information on voting in the 2020 UWSA By-Election: Voter Guide 2020

Or, view the Candidate Speeches here: theuwsa.ca/elections

Questions? Contact:

Shenal Fernando
Chief Elections Commissioner

Charith Pathirathna
Deputy Elections Commissioner
(431) 388-3903

A message from the REBLITE Board on a safe and fair 2020 By-Elections

October 15th, 2020

Dear students,

Over the past few months, it had become clear to the UWSA that our elections have caused harm to past participants. Unclear expectations and enforcement of conduct, insufficient accountability processes, and a lack of a capacity to follow through are some of the aspects that must be addressed. The Board is reviewing its democratic processes and working towards reforming the system of governance. However, in order to fulfill our obligations as a non-profit board and remain accountable to the student membership, the 2020 By-Elections will take place.

We are in the difficult position of having to navigate a harmful system while we reform it, and we know that this puts election participants in difficult positions as well. Participants can continue to file complaints and appeals through our website, as per the process outlined in the UWSA By-Laws. However, we recognize that the current processes have their limitations.

As the elections commission, the REBLITE Board wants students to know that we are committed to a safe and fair election.  We want students to feel safe to come forward with their concerns and there are two points of contact to help students do so.  If you have a concern about the election, the first step is to reach out to the Chief Elections Commissioner (CEC), Shenal Fernando, at cec@theuwsa.ca; however, if the concern is regarding the CEC, or if you are unsatisfied with his response, please reach out to the Chair of the Board (CoB), Anjola Aderinto, at chair@theuwsa.ca.  Anjola will bring your concern to the REBLITE Board, regardless of whether or not it is a formally submitted appeal, and we will work to address it.

As an organization, we depend on the participation and feedback of our membership.  We understand that bringing forward concerns is an act of care that requires significant emotional labour.  We value every disclosure and are committed to honouring them through harm-reduction frameworks.

Thank you,
The Referenda and Election By-Law Interpretation and Transparent Enforcement Board
(The REBLITE Board)

UWSA By-Election 2020

October 1st, 2020

The UWSA By-Election period has begun!

The By-Election is where students can run for vacant positions that were not filled during the General Election. To run, you will need to fill out a nomination form and submit it to the Chief Elections Commissioner before the end of the nomination period.

Nomination Period:  Monday, Sept. 28 – Thursday, Oct. 8 *Due by 6 p.m. 

2020 By-Election Nomination Form – Candidates must submit a completed nomination form to the CEC at cec@theuwsa.ca by 6 PM on October 8, 2020 in order to eligible to run in the 2020 UWSA By-Elections. All candidates or their scrutineers are encouraged to attend the All Candidates Meeting on Friday, Oct. 9 at 12:30 p.m.

Nomination forms are available in alternate formats on for students with accessibility needs. Requests for an alternative nomination form must be submitted in writing or by phone to the CEC by 8 a.m. on Thursday, October 1. Interested candidates can call 204-786-9052 to make their request.

Open Positions

  • President of the UWSA
  • Vice-President External Affairs (VPEA)
  • Education Director
  • Environmental Ethics Director
  • PACE Director
  • Part-Time/Mature Students’ Director
  • Recreation & Athletics Director
  • Science Director
  • Student Living Director
  • Women & Non-Binary Students’ Director
  • Board of Regents Representative

Thinking of running? Check out the Candidate Guide for details on the open positions, campaigning, and voting: Candidates Guide By-Election 2020

Questions? Email the Chief Elections Commissioner at cec@theuwsa.ca

Motion 46: Statement of Support

September 28th, 2020

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) strongly supports Motion 46, which calls on the federal government to introduce legislation and work with provincial and territorial governments and Indigenous peoples to ensure a guaranteed livable basic income.

This universal basic income program would replace the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) permanently and work towards eradicating poverty and ensure the respect, dignity and security of all persons living in Canada.

The program would be a step towards reducing financial barriers to the access of education by allowing students the freedom to reach their full potential without the burden of student loans, cost of living, and other educational expenses. It would offer people living in poverty opportunities to access post-secondary education and better job opportunities.

Programs like CERB and CESB have demonstrated the benefits and the potential for a guaranteed basic livable income for all. Click here to email your MP and encourage them to support Motion 46.

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg