UWSA Special General Meeting 2020

Join us for the 2020 Special General Meeting on November 4 from 12.30 – 1.30 PM. The SGM is a chance for UWSA members to receive an update on the budget and operations, meet the directors elected in the By-Election, and propose motions.

The 2020 SGM will be held via Zoom. To pre-register, please email us at j.black@theuwsa.ca using your WebMail and include your student number in the e-mail. Food vouchers will be provided at the event.

SGM Agenda and Package

SGM 2020 Agenda
2019 Audited Financial Statements
Operating Budget 2020-21

Questions? Email chair@theuwsa.ca or j.black@theuwsa.ca. 


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg