
UWSA General Election 2023 Candidates

March 6th, 2023

The UWSA General Elections 2023 Voting is almost here. Vote for which candidate will represent your voice on campus!

Voter’s Guide

Read all the bios of each candidate and learn about how voting works! Download the voter’s guide here: General Election Voters Guide 2023

Executive Director Candidates:


  • Quinton Vander Aa
  • Zekaria Salahadin
  • Tomiris Kaliyeva – Execs for the People Slate
  • Kirt Hayer – Awareness Slate
  • Parul Chauhan

Vice-President Student Affairs

  • Patrick Trudeau – Awareness Slate
  • Anjali Soni
  • Christine Quiah – Execs for the People Slate
  • Manav Narang

Faculty Director Candidates:

Arts Director

  • Ethan Redekop

Business and Economics Director

  • Sahil Lekhi

Education Director

  • Evan Gordon
  • Sarah Anderson

Graduate Students’ Director

  • Dhruv Gupta

Professional, Applied, Continuing Education (PACE) Director

  • Sanchit Shangari
  • J Krish

Science Director

  • Vrutti Gabani

Community Director Candidates:

Accessibility Director

  • Patel Devanshi Alpeshkumar

Community Liaison Director

  • Shanza Waheed Khan

Environmental Ethics Director 

International Students’ Director

  • Ishita Wadha and Ravpreet Singh Saluja (Co-Directors)

2SLGBTQ* Students’ Director

  • Brie Villeneuve

Part-Time/Mature Students’ Director

  • Walter Dyck

Racialized Students’ Director

  • Oyin Akinboye

Recreation and Athletics Director

  • Eniola Soetan
  • Mubarak Owolabi
  • Vandan Khunt
  • Afrasiyaab Khan

Student Living Director

  • Anshul Pathania

Women, Trans & Non-Binary Students’ Director 

Other Positions:

Emerging Leader Director (2-year term)

  • Karamjeet Singh
  • Clay Mykietowich
  • Gabriel Louer

UWSA Regent

  • Karaninder Singh Delow

UWSA Senator

  • Nick Wasyliw
  • Rahul Kanwal Brar

For all information about General Elections, visit

Rally for 2S, Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Diverse Safety on UWinnipeg Campus

March 2nd, 2023


Join us for a Rally calling for 2S, Trans, Non-Binary, and Gender Safety at The University of Winnipeg. It is hosted by UWSA 2SLGBTQ* Students’ Director Brie Villeneuve.

Date and Time: Friday, March 3 at 12:30 PM

Location: Front Lawn of The University of Winnipeg (in front of the castle).

All students, staff, and the Winnipeg community are welcome to attend and show their support! Remember to dress according to the weather!

Please remember that this event will remain peaceful and respectful of Campus Security’s time and energy, U of W Collegiate Students accessing their building, and other people returning/leaving campus.

Freedom Road: Film Screening and Discussion

February 27th, 2023


Freedom Road

Freedom Road is a five-part documentary series that tells the inspiring story of Shoal Lake 40 Anishinaabe First Nation and their battle to build a road after their community was forcibly relocated and cut off from the mainland over 100 years ago, so that water could be diverted to the city of Winnipeg.

The post-screening discussions will be with members of Shoal Lake 40 First Nations and Angelina McLeod (Writer and Director of the film).

The screening will take place on Tuesday, March 7th at 6:00 pm at the Convocation Hall on the 2nd floor of Wesley Hall at the University of Winnipeg. The event is free, and you can donate to the Shoal Lake Youth Drop-in Centre.

Click here to get tickets.

Click here to go to the Facebook event page.

Volunteer for Unsheltered Relatives

February 17th, 2023

Unsheltered Relatives

Do you want to volunteer with the UWSA? On March 1, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, we will hand out food to our unsheltered relatives around downtown Winnipeg. Join us by signing up here.

UWSA General Elections Nominations Open

February 6th, 2023

The UWSA General Election 2023 Nomination Period begins today!

The nomination Period opens at: 9 a.m. on Monday, Feb 6.

The nomination Period closes at: 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb 16.

Do you want to create positive change for your fellow students at the University of Winnipeg?

The General Election is where students can run for an Executive Team position (President, Vice-President Student Affairs), a Board of Director position, a Board of Regents seat, or a Senator position.  

Becoming an Executive Director or a member of the UWSA Board of Directors gives you experience serving on a non-profit board, awards you the opportunity to connect with student communities and represent their needs, gives you a voice to help make decisions that impact students and the university, and helps you learn more about the student union, university governance, and lobbying government.

To nominate yourself, download a nomination form here:

For more information, please visit or email the Acting General Manager, Thomas Hanan at

Graduation Portrait Session 2023

February 1st, 2023

Grad Photos 2023

Book your session online by clicking here.

Update to membership regarding conclusion of investigation and full exoneration of UWSA President Kirt Hayer on alleged conduct violations during the 2022 UWSA General Election

January 31st, 2023

In May of 2022, at the direction of the Board, the UWSA Chief Operating Officer engaged legal counsel to independently investigate allegations that current UWSA President Kirt Hayer had violated UWSA elections bylaws and policies while running for office.

The allegations were submitted in three complaints received in March of 2022.

After a thorough and exhaustive process, the investigators have determined that one of the complaints was dealt with appropriately by the Elections Accountability Board. Regarding the other two, one was based on an unsubstantiated claim where investigators found no proof of the UWSA President trying to coerce a candidate to drop out of the election as alleged.

The second allegation of racist comments was unfounded, which was confirmed by the subject of the alleged comments.

UWSA President Kirt Hayer is fully exonerated of these allegations. This concludes the investigation.

You may view the full Investigation report here: Investigation Report 20230131

2022 UWSA General Election Accountability Board Reports:


Bell Let's Talk Day and UWinnipeg

January 23rd, 2023

This week The University of Winnipeg is creating a week of wellness-related activities leading up to Bell Let’s Talk Day (Wednesday, January 25).

Events/things you can find on campus related to mental health:

For more information on what The University of Winnipeg is doing, please visit their page here:

UWSA Election Reforms Approved

January 19th, 2023

On Wednesday, January 18, the Board of Director Meeting occurred. One of the agenda items was to review the UWSA Elections Reform Proposal. The UWSA Board of Directors has decided to approve the proposal.

You can read the full changes here: UWSA Election Reforms Package January 2023

The major Election rule changes are: 

  1. Election Cycle:
    • The Election will be a 6-week cycle from a 5-week cycle. (Two Nomination weeks, two All Candidates’ Training and Preparation weeks, one Campaign Week, and one Voting Week.)
    • Removal of the All Candidates Meeting.
    • One-day mandatory training session.
  2. Election Management:
    • Removal and relocation of Election Campaign Faciliatatoes (ECFs) duties to General Manager.
    • Election Accountability Board (EAB) membership change. EAB will consist of the Chief Operation Officer (COO), the Chair of the Board, and one UWSA Staff Member as selected by the COO.
  3. Campaign Material and Preparation:
    • Candidates can design and create any of their campaign materials (print and digital). The UWSA Communications Team is available to assist upon request and availability.
  4. Campaign Expenses Budget:
    • Uncontested, non-executive directorship shall have $50 per position.
    • Contested, non-executive directorship shall have $100 per position.
    • Executive directorship shall have $100 per position.
    • Referenda sides shall have $150.
  5. Terms of Office:
    • Removal of two-year terms for Executive Directors.
  6. Slates:
    • This means two (2) or more candidates who are members of a single campaign, each running for a different position.
    • Executive Candidates who want to register with a slate must notify the CEC and General Manager via email or in writing before 4PM on Thursday of Week 3.
    • Slates can only include Executive Directorship candidates.

UWSA Board Meeting: Wednesday, January 18

January 13th, 2023

Board Meeting

The next UWSA Board of Directors Meeting is on Wednesday, January 18, at 5:30 PM.

All University of Winnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4:30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

Please review the following documents before the meeting:

230118 AGENDA

BOD 230118 Open Package

230118 Election Reform Proposal Package

Any questions can be directed to Carter Weins, Chair of the Board, at:

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg