Alternative GPA Calculation Motion Goes to the Senate on April 8
The alternative GPA inclusion system will now be presented to the University Senate in an emergency meeting on April 8. The UWSA is recommending students email professors and their academic advisors to let them know that they are in support of the motion so that they are aware of students’ needs and the motion passes.
Certain professors are implementing the pass/fail option in their courses, depending on the requirements of the class. Please be in touch with your professor if you prefer this option over the other.
Additionally, students can contact Academic and Career Services at 204.786.9257 or if they need to submit an academic appeal for additional time to complete term work or request a deferred final exam.
Academic and career advisors can explain the process. Medical documentation will not be required at this time. Students with accessibility needs can also contact Accessibility Services at 204.786.9771 or to submit appeals.
The university has said they are offering exceptional leniency with appeals, keeping the crisis in mind.