On March 30, 2020, the UWSA Executive proposed an alternative semester grade system at the UWinnipeg Senate Meeting. If this system is implemented, students can choose to exclude a grade from their GPA calculation for any course taken in the 2020 Winter term. The amended motion will be voted on in the April Senate Meeting.
After listening to students and the University, we decided that this option offers students greater flexibility over the pass/fail system. It would accommodate students and allow them to graduate with honours, receive scholarships, and apply to grad school and assure them of the chance to continue their studies successfully once the current public health crisis is under control.
It will let students many students finish their term without letting the Coronavirus pandemic affecting their GPA. University of Winnipeg students are living with uncertainty every day. We hope that the implementation of this option will give students who studied and completed work at the University of Winnipeg in good faith over the past year, a little more control over their current situation.
As your executives, we want you to know that we’re here for you. We’re advocating for students’ needs at an institutional and federal level every day. We want to listen to the challenges you face so we can make education accessible to you. Let us know how the pandemic is affecting your education and your recommendations by filling up this form here.
Due to the changes, we’re removing the current call to action and replacing it with an updated one. One, that reflects what you need and is based on your feedback.
Please bookmark this page for updates and information on how the UWSA and UWinnipeg is addressing the pandemic.
Your Executives