Li Cercle Otipemisiwak (UWCO)

Li Cercle Otipemisiwak (UWCO) is a University of Winnipeg Métis Student Network encouraging Métis students who are connected or re-connecting to their Métis culture to celebrate and rejoice in cultural fulfillment with fellow members.

A group dedicated to reclaiming our space and traditional roles, carrying on traditional knowledge in order to restore our culture while studying and empowering future generations. Activities include bi-weekly sharing circles, once-a-month group meetings (either via zoom or URL) and holding workshop sessions such as beadwork, artwork and finger weaving. Field trips include going on the land, picking wild plants and berries, attending ceremonies and more. This group can also help students develop transferable culture-driven skills while embracing Métis core values and beliefs. These values include the Sacred Teachings of strength, kindness, courage, tolerance, honesty, respect, love, sharing, caring, balance, patience, and, most significantly, the connection with the creator and Mother Earth.

This group provides you with a sense of community, cultural knowledge and skills, networking possibilities, and a fun way to spend your free time.

Membership: Current students who identify as Métis. We also welcome First Nation, Non-Status and Inuit students and alumni to volunteer and participate in our group and events that are significant to them.

There is no application or membership fee. However, volunteering your time for fundraising is strongly encouraged to keep up our activities and transportation fees for field trips.

Meetings: Meetings will be held once a month, either in person or via Zoom. Bi-weekly sharing circles will be organized via Zoom as well. Meeting spaces are to be determined, but members will be updated.



University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg