
Inclusive Gym Initiative Update – UWinnipeg’s Fall Term Pilot Project

September 7th, 2017



We would like to inform students of recent updates to the UWSA’s Inclusive Gym Initiative. This week, UWinnipeg released information about changes to the their recreation services that will be implemented this fall (You can read the release here). These changes were based on extensive consultations with the UWSA from August 2016 through April 2017, and are intended to improve access to the services students pay for.

In addition to these publicized changes, the UWSA continues to advocate for other changes to the fitness centre to ensure more students feel welcome accessing and participating in these services. This summer, the UWSA Inclusive Gym Initiative had ongoing discussions with the Rainbow Resource Centre to discuss trans inclusion in the fitness centre. We recognize that the fitness centre is a space traditionally dominated by those who have male identities, which may not make the space feel accessible to all people.

Based on these discussions, the UWSA has suggested that the reserved hours pilot project beginning this fall include cis and trans women and non-binary people. This is due to the intent of this initial gym initiative of creating a safe(r) and more comfortable fitness centre space. Full inclusion is a process and this pilot is the first step. We recognize that there are groups that may still feel excluded from this initiative and we are working hard to make the space welcoming for them too. We are open to suggestions and invite conversation.

Need help with U-Pass?

September 1st, 2017


September 1 is the first day you can use your U-Pass this term.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your Peggo card on your first-scan and the error message reads: “Insufficient funds” try to scan your card a second time. If your card is still not accepted, please visit the Info Booth on the first-floor of Centennial Hall. Staff are happy to answer questions or replace your Peggo card.

If you have questions about the U-Pass program, please visit our web page here or email



Canadian Federation of Students - RISE Summit: Registration open now

August 22nd, 2017


From Canadian Federation of Students:

Students at post-secondary institutions across Canada have been at the forefront of organizing against racism and colonialism on their university and college campuses, as well as in their communities, for decades.

From September 29 to October 1, the Federation will be hosting the second national Racialized and Indigenous Student Experience Summit (RISE) in Toronto. For more information and registration forms, click on the link below.

This Summit will be an opportunity for student activists to gather, share stories of success and struggle, to nurture each other and heal together. 

Spaces at the Summit are limited and open only to the participation of racialized and Indigenous identified people, with special consideration for participants from traditionally marginalized communities, such as those who identify as womyn and/or trans* and/or non-binary and/or gender non-conforming and/or queer and/or with (dis)abilities.

The UWSA will send four delegates. Potential delegates should email regarding interest, including their self-identification as racialized and/or Indigenous, students living w/disabilities, LGBTTQ2S*, women, student parent; and specify whether they have attended a CFS summit/meeting in the past.

Students must send interest to by September 12, 4:00 p.m.

Delegates will be selected by an ad-hoc committee and confirmed by the UWSA Board of Directors. Students can also apply to attend RISE through their academic departments or decide to register themselves and pay their own registration fees. The registration fee is $400.  The UWSA will still need to sign off on registrations.

Registration form:

Roll Call 2017

August 16th, 2017

Join us on the front lawn for Roll Call 2017!

Full line-up and list of events on our Facebook event here!


UWSA Health Plan Opt-Change/Opt-Out

July 24th, 2017

As a full-time student at the University of Winnipeg, you are part of the UWSA Health Plan! Each student taking nine or more credit hours per term is automatically enrolled in our comprehensive health benefits plan.

Students who have existing coverage may choose to opt-out of the plan and can do so online starting Aug. 1, 2017.  To opt-out, visit our health plan page here on or after Aug. 1, 2017. All opt-outs are done exclusively online here.

To opt-change your plan by opting-in or adding a dependent, visit the health plan page here and print an Opt-Change form. You will need to submit this form to the Social Sustainability Manager either by email or dropping if off to their office located next to the UWSA General Office.

For questions about the UWSA Health Plan, please email

UWSA Breaks Ground on Important Daycare Expansion

July 4th, 2017


IMG_9171Construction is set to begin on an expansion that will welcome 32 new children and nine new employees to The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) Day Care. The day care expansion will help improve access to on-campus childcare for University of Winnipeg students, faculty, staff, and community members.

“As the students’ association, we are proud to own and operate a daycare which is an essential service for student parents,” said Laura Elsie Garinger, President, UWSA. “Students continue to make accessible childcare on campus a priority and we are committed to removing barriers to postsecondary education for all students.”

Construction on the 2,370 square foot expansion begins this month and is expected to be completed in November 2017 — the daycare’s operations will not be affected during construction. The $1.165 million project is funded by the Province of Manitoba, the UWSA, and UWinnipeg.

“Our government’s goal is to create a modern, efficient early learning and child care system and we’re pleased to partner with projects like this that will make safe, quality child care more accessible,” said Minister of Families Scott Fielding. “Earlier this year, we announced more than $6 million to fund 15 community-based capital projects and create up to 739 licensed spaces. This expanded on-campus day care is one of those projects and we know it will be a huge asset on campus and for the entire community.”

The expansion will add 20 new infant spaces and 12 new preschool spaces to the UWSA Day Care; as well as eight new early childhood educator (ECE) positions, and one new supervisor ECE position.

“UWinnipeg is dedicated to creating pathways to postsecondary education for traditionally underrepresented students, and that includes student parents,” said Dr. Annette Trimbee, President and Vice-Chancellor, UWinnipeg. “The UWSA Day Care is a critical resource for those students and this expansion is an important step in meeting the growing demand for childcare on our campus and in our community.”

The UWSA has operated a daycare on campus for nearly 30 years and the current expansion project has been in the works since 2015. The UWSA Day Care is a provincially licensed, not-for-profit centre for children between 12-months and five-years.

The expansion project is managed by the University of Winnipeg Community Renewal Corporation (UWCRC). The design and construction team includes Prairie Architects Inc., Manshield Construction, Wolfram Engineering, and the KGS Group.

The new day care expansion meets all of the minimum energy performance requirements of the Manitoba Energy Code for Buildings and Manitoba Hydro Power Smart program.

UWSA Day Care features:

  • The daycare is located next to McFeetors Hall: Great-West Life Student Residence, allowing for a holistic approach to meeting family needs in one location.
  • The facility includes a green, natural, fenced outdoor play area.
  • The daycare population comes from students (50%), community (25%), and faculty and staff (25%).
  • The centre currently has 96 child care spaces.
  • Standard provincial fees apply. Low-income students are eligible for subsidy through the Manitoba Child Care program.
  • In November 2011, the building achieved LEED Silver status from the Canada Green Building Council.



Eva Wasney, E-Communications Coordinator, The University of Winnipeg
P: 204.988.7129, E:

Cleo Leslie, Communications Manager, The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association,
P: 204.786.9867, E:

C2C: Two Spirit & Queer People of Colour Call to Conversation with LGBT & Allies

June 2nd, 2017

There will be a conference at the University of Winnipeg in October 2017 called “C2C: Two Spirit & Queer People of Colour Call to Conversation with LGBT & Allies.”

There is a Call For Presentation for the C2C conference.

See more about the event online at QPOC C2C CFP

Onjisay-Aki Summit invites students to participate in Onjisay-Aki International Climate Change Summit

May 31st, 2017


The Onjisay-Aki Summit would like to extend an invitation to University of Winnipeg students to attend the upcoming Onjisay Aki (“Our Changing Earth”) International Climate Summit, which will be held at the Turtle Lodge from June 8-10, 2017.

The Summit will be a roundtable discussion on climate change, led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, in conversation with leaders from environmental and social movements internationally. The Elders have invited a diverse group of environmental stewards from across the land – including Chief Arvol Looking Horse, Bill McKibben of 350 dot org, Winona LaDuke of Honour the Earth, Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Scott Vaughan of the International Institute for Sustainable Development, and many more. More details can be found on our event website:

The Roundtable will take place over two days, June 8th and 9th, with a special ceremony following on June 9th (evening) and June 10th (full day and evening). The ceremony will be building of a Thunderbird Nest, to call in the Thunderbirds to help fulfill their roles as guardians of the Earth. Participants and attendees are invited to bring seven round rocks from their area to contribute to building the nest. At night there will be traditional ceremony and dancing in the Ogijida Lodge.

There is limited observer seating, and 15 seats are reserved for U of W students. If you are interested in attending, please email

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg