
Soap Dish!

November 16th, 2015

Soap Dish


The UWSA is hosting Soap Dish, a drive looking to collect new hygiene items from students to donate back to fellow students. There are bins around campus for you donate your items!

We will be collecting items for the next two weeks and then, we will organize and distribute the items to service centres on campus to give to students.

November Flu Shot Clinics

November 10th, 2015

There will be a Flu Shot Clinic on November 19th located in the Riddell Hall Atrium from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. On November 20th there will be two locations for the Flu Clinic, one in the Riddell Hall Atrium and the other will be the UWSA Boardroom (0R06) – Bulman Student Centre also from 10:00 a.m. am until 4:00 p.m. Klinic on campus is hosting the clinics.

The vaccination is free for all wishing to receive it. Please come prepared with your Manitoba Health Card, international student card or out-of-province medical card.

Short-sleeves or loose shirts are preferred for access to the injection site (shoulder), however, gowns will be available to change into if required, as well as privacy screens. The flu shot is recommended for everyone! Even if you “never get sick”, immunization is the best way to protect your loved ones and at risk public.

Every year in Canada over 10,000 individuals are hospitalized due to influenza and thousands more will die as a result of infection and our best defence is vaccinations. The flu shot is extremely safe and well-tolerated, however if you have any questions or concerns our health care professionals at the clinics will be happy to provide education and serve as resources to answer all of you inquiries. There will be treats and entry into a prize draw for all who get immunized at the clinics!

Health Plan Topic of the Week: What to ask your service when booking an appointment

November 9th, 2015

Here are a few tips and tricks when scheduling an appointment with a professional service while on the UWSA Health Plan.

When booking your appointment, check the UWSA Benefits Summary to make sure your service is covered.
If you’re still unsure, you can always call Green Shield to follow up (1-888-711-1119)

Check out the Benefits Summary here!

Next, ask your service provider if they direct bill to Green Shield.
(You will want to have have your Green Shield Health Plan number handy, if they do)

If they don’t, you will have to cover the cost for the appointment up front. To be reimbursed, you will have to submit a claim form by mail to Green Shield (And, we can mail it for you!)

Claim forms are downloadable here! Instructions on how to fill out your claim form are here!

You may want to print out your claim form before your service to make sure you get all the necessary documentation at your appointment.

If you have more questions about the Health Plan, you can email the Health Plan Coordinator at or visit the Health Plan page!

Health Plan Topic of the Week: Gardasil-9

November 2nd, 2015


Last year, we improved your health coverage extending coverage for HPV vaccinations (Gardasil and Ceravix) to 100 per cent. There is a new HPV Vaccination called Gardasil-9 (released in Canada in April 2015), which is not covered by Green Shield. Read more about Gardasil-9 here.

Why is it not covered?

The vaccine is too new to be evaluated by our health provider this year. Green Shield, our Health Plan provider is working to include Gardasil-9 in its coverage.

I want the vaccine, how do I make sure the UWSA Health Plan covers it?

Ask your doctor what vaccine they prescribe and do your research on the vaccines. If Gardasil or Ceravix are a good fit for you, your doctor will write you a prescription to pick-up the vaccination from your pharmacy. Gardasil-9 is usually administered at the doctor’s office.

If you are still unsure if your HPV vaccination will be covered under the UWSA Health Plan, please email the Health Plan Coordinator at prior to your vaccination.


By-Election Results

October 30th, 2015

The By-election Polls closed this week, and the results are in!

Rec & Athletics Director – Mallory Black





Community Liaison Director – Oladele Ojewole





Science Co-Directors – Samantha Tinkler & Julie Piché





Congrats to all of the Candidates and Directors!

Halloween! Not Your Stereotype

October 29th, 2015






October 29th, 2015

The Bike Lab is turning 4 & that means it’s time to party!

On Tuesday, Nov. 3rd. Join the UWSA Bike Lab in celebrating it’s 4th Birthday at the Good Will Social Club at 8:30pm. The night will kick off with the gorgeous, melodic compositions of Sibyl, who boast a least two hardcore ICE RIDERS among their ranks. This will be followed by bike mechanics races, pixie bike races, a tights competition and  Another Amazing Super Fun Mystery Band Which We Are Not Allowed To Announce Until The Day Before and some stellar, dance-worthy DJ-ing from the WRENCH’s own Robin Ellis! Don’t miss your chance to bid on a solid selection of refurbished bikes and other donated prizes! We’ll see you Tuesday!

We love you all & we’d love if you could share this special day with us! We’re happy to have been around as long as we have & are super proud of being a part of the growing Winnipeg cycling community! (Don’t you want to just high-five every bike that goes by?!)

See you there!

UWSA By-Election 2015

October 23rd, 2015


Voting for our By-Election starts Monday! Hear all the candidates speaks today in Riddell Hall at 12:30!




Health Plan Topic of the Week: Green Shield's Website made for you!

October 21st, 2015

Green Shield has a section that helps students find providers. They can go to, click on the student centre (bottom left on the page), find us (University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWS)) on the drop down menu and there’s a section called “Find Great Ways to Save Money” that has a provider finder (or, you can click here to go directly to this link!)

If you have questions about the Health Plan, you can email the Health Plan Coordinator and



By-Election Candidates and Campaigning

October 19th, 2015

Nomination forms are in and your 2015 UWSA By-Election Candidates are as follows:

Recreation and Athletic Director

Mallory Black
Cynthia Gwendo and Sarah Donald

Community Liaison Director

Oladele Ojewole
Evan Roberts

Science Director

Marie Gurbhoo
Samantha Tinkler & Julia Piche

October 26-28
 – Voting occurs! Voting is  9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 26th, 27th and 28th in Richardson College and Riddell Hall

For more information please contact our Chief Elections Commissioner,

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg