
UWSA Bike Lab Mechanics Workshop

January 24th, 2017

Bike Workshop - Facebook Banner


The Mechanics Training Workshop is on Mondays from 10 to noon. The workshops are broken down by part of the bike. We encourage people to come to all of them, but understand if you can’t make some of them because of other commitments. No mechanical skill or special bike knowledge is necessary. Everyone welcome, accessible space.

January 16: Brakes

January 23: Wheels/Tires

January 30: Bottom Brackets

February 6: Hubs

February 13: Headsets

(No workshop Reading week)

February 27: Rear Derailleur

March 6: Front Derailleur

March 13: Open workshop, you are welcome to drop by and work on skills from previous workshops or catch up on workshops you missed

March 20: Open workshop, you are welcome to drop by and work on skills from previous workshops or catch up on workshops you missed

Make an appointment to talk about the UWSA Health Plan

January 10th, 2017

Have a question about about making a claim, coverage or your account? Check out the UWSA Health Plan page here.

Still can’t find the answer? Send an email to to set-up a meeting!

Grass Routes programming submissions due Jan. 18

January 6th, 2017

Have an idea for programming at our annual sustainability festival, Grass Routes? Send it to us! Fill out this form with your idea and send to  Submissions are due Jan. 18!


U-Pass Insufficient Fund Error Message

January 5th, 2017


If you are continuing to be a full-time student, your U-Pass will automatically reload for the 2017 Winter Term. If you encounter an “Insufficient Fund Error” message, please drop by the UWSA Info Booth or email 

Your U-Pass should be used as a flash pass along with your UWinnipeg Student ID until you can stop by the UWSA Info Booth. Thank you for your patience.

Questions about U-Pass? Email 

Looking for help with searches, citations & source evaluation?

January 5th, 2017

Dee Wallace, a Subject Librarian at the U of W Library, is offering help to students!

Help is being offered with searches, source evaluation, citations etc., once a week outside the U of W library. Dee can also be found in the IUS Library space (3RC045) in the Richardson Complex every Friday from noon to 1:30 p.m.

No appointment necessary and is open to all students! A great resource for students who are writing papers!

Snowed In 2017 - Day 1

January 4th, 2017



Happy first day of Snowed In! Drop-by The Hive to stay cozy on this chilly day!

Coming up today, we have:

Student Group Fair @ Riddell Hall (in the cafeteria) at 11am-2pm

– UWSA Bike Lab Ice Bike: An Obstacle Course @ The Bike Lab 11am-2pm

Meet Me At The Hive featuring Divest UWinnipeg talking about divestment @ The Hive 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Plus free soup/stew at 12:30 in The Hive!

UWSA Health Plan Winter 2017 Opt-Outs and Opt-Changes

January 4th, 2017

If you are starting as a full-time student in the 2017 Winter Term, you have the opportunity to add your partner or children to the UWSA Health Plan. To do so, please fill out an Opt-Change form (found here!) and submit it to the UWSA Health Plan Office or mailbox (outside of Riddell Hall).

If you already have sufficient health insurance coverage, you can choose to opt-out of the UWSA Health Plan. All opt-outs are done exclusively online here!

You must complete your opt-change and opt-out by 5 p.m. on Jan. 17, 2017.

Or, you can choose to stay in both plans! Send an email to to set-up a meeting about coordinating your benefits!

U-Pass for the 2017 Winter Term

December 22nd, 2016


Students who have already picked up their U-Pass for the 2016 Fall Term and will continue to be full-time students in the 2017 Winter Term will have their pass automatically activated for the 2017 Winter Term. These students do not need to get a new pass from the UWSA Info Booth. The pass will be active starting Jan. 1, 2017.

For students starting as full-time in the 2017 Winter Term and were not full-time students in the Fall 2016 term, can pick-up their U-Pass from the UWSA Info Booth starting Dec. 1, 2016. Please view the UWSA Info Booth’s hours here.

For questions about U-Pass, please visit the U-Pass page or email 


UWSA Offices closed for Winter Break

December 22nd, 2016

Our offices will be closed during Winter Break in correspondence with the University of Winnipeg’s closure for Winter Break from Friday, Dec. 23 to Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2017. We will re-open on Jan. 3, 2017.

We hope your break is relaxing and we look forward to working with you in the 2017 Winter Term!

And, we can’t wait to celebrate the start of term with you at Snowed In 2017!


YouthUnited@Winnipeg Work/Study Pilot Program

December 20th, 2016

The Department of Urban and Inner-City Studies is seeking 20 students for the groundbreaking YouthUnited@Winnipeg intensive work/study pilot program that will take place during the 2017 Spring Session, from May to August.

The application deadline is Jan. 20, 2017!

For more information and access to application portal please visit:…/youthunitedwinnipeg.html

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg