For You

Soap + Soup: Help us Help Students!

November 26th, 2019

Celebrate the season of giving by giving to fellow students and community members in-need!

Soup + Soap is a food and hygiene donation drive that started in 2016/17. The donation drive is for the UWSA’s Emergency Foodbank and The Giving Shelf  All of the donations must be brand new and unopened.

What we need: 

  • Non-perishable items (beans, soup, pasta, sauce, etc.)
  • Toothbrushes
  • Toothpaste
  • Dental Floss
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Soap
  • Body Wash
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene products

What we don’t need:

  • No mouthwash
  • No cosmetics/make-up
  • No razors

Drop Off Locations: 

  • UWSA General Office
  • Info Booth
  • UW Library
  • Merchant’s Corner
  • The Good Will Social Club
  • Riddell Hall Cafeteria
  • Dash
  • Buffeteria
  • Elements
  • Behind the Glass: Buhler Centre
  • Axworthy Recplex
  • Student Central

Questions? Please contact the Sustainability Manager, by email: or call: (204) 789-4244

Board Meeting Today!

November 21st, 2019

It’s the last UWSA Board Meeting of the year! All students are welcome and have speaking rights. Join your board of directors for pizza and planning.

Check out the agenda here: November 2019 Board Meeting Agenda

What the Health Plan is Today!

November 19th, 2019

Click here for the Facebook event! 

Location: The Hive, Riddell Hall
Time: 12:30-1:30 PM
Free Event | All welcome | Lunch Provided

💚 Never used your UWSA Green Shield Health Plan?
🤯 Have no idea how to set up your account or make a claim?
⁉️ Don’t know what your benefits are?
😕 Confused about the difference between Green Shield, Guard Me, and Manitoba Health/Equivalent?

Join us for an Information and Q&A session with UWSA’s Health Plan Manager, Emmanuel Iwuoha to learn how to use your Health Plan benefits to your benefit!

Please confirm attendance to make accessibility or child-minding requests or e-mail us at

Student Group Fair Tomorrow!

November 18th, 2019

Meet student groups and UWSA representatives on campus!

This is a great opportunity to meet other students and find community at The University of Winnipeg.

Location: 4th Floor Centennial Hall (Buffeteria)
Time: 11:30AM – 2:00PM
Date: Tuesday, November 19

Free to attend | All welcome

Please e-mail us at for accessibility requests.

UWSA opposes proposed $24.50 increase in U-Pass fees

November 6th, 2019

On Tuesday, October 29, 2019, the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works recommended a $24.50 increase in U-Pass fees per semester in a City Report. The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA)  opposes the proposed fee increase which would increase financial barriers to post-secondary education for students.

“The increase they’ve proposed is unaffordable to students,” UWSA President Meagan Malcom says. “At a time where tuition is increasing students cannot afford this and we will not accept it.”

This recommendation also proposes the addition of Red River College to the program, expanding the opt-out area to include St. Norbert, and the addition of a 14-day bus pass for May and September.

In 2014, students voted in a referendum and passed the U-Pass program. Eighty-one per cent of students who voted were in favour of a mandatory bus pass of $260 to be included in their tuition fees, with the rate adjusted according to inflation. In 2015, Winnipeg city council approved subsidizing the U-Pass program in a 13-3 vote.

Many University of Winnipeg students are going to school full-time on a part-time salary or are unemployed. An increase of $24.50 is unexpected and unaffordable for students at a time of rising tuition fees and student debt.

UWSA’s Vice-President Student Affairs says that she looks forward to bringing students’ voices to the table in their discussions with Winnipeg Transit.

The U-Pass program has been a sustainable and affordable transit option that has led to a significant increase in ridership and we hope to see the program develop in a way that benefits students. Any major changes to the U-Pass program would happen with student consultations.

Please contact your VP Student Affairs, Noelle Sagher at with further questions and concerns.

Free Manitoba Moose tickets for University of Winnipeg and UWSA students, staff, and faculty!

November 5th, 2019

Manitoba Moose is hosting a UWSA Night on Wednesday, November 13! All members of the University of Winnipeg community can claim 2 FREE TICKETS by clicking here. Enter the promo code: UWinnipeg to claim tickets.

Unofficial 2019 UWSA By-Election Results

October 30th, 2019

Unofficial 2019 By-Election Results:

Director of Student Living
Samer Habib – 71
Reza Saker Hossain – 80
Spoiled – 1

Women and Non-Binary Students’ Director
Celina Clements – 69
Neda Masoomifar – 73
Spoiled- 0

Board of Regents
David Teffaine
Yes – 121
No – 28
Spoiled- 0

Congrats to Reza Saker Hussain, Neda Masoomifar, and David Teffaine on their new positions!

Results are unofficial until ratified by the UWSA Board of Directors at the November Board Meeting.

By-Election Candidate Speeches Tomorrow!

October 21st, 2019

Click here to read Candidate Bios: Candidate Bios

Time to be Bold at the Polls and Election Results Party on October 21

October 16th, 2019

On October 21, it’s time to be bold and vote for student issues at the Federal Elections!

Voter turnout among young people aged 18 to 24 in the last federal election increased by 18.3 percentage points (from 38.8% in 2011 to 57.1% in 2015), the single largest increase for this age group since Statistics Canada began compiling the data. Imagine what could happen if that percentage was even higher?

Free education is possible. Now is the time to be bold and use your vote to demand access for all. Learn more about the issues here.

Sign the pledge online at: 

To find your polling stations and ID requirements, register to vote at

After voting, join the UWSA at The Good Will Social Club from 7 PM onwards to countdown to the results together!
Students enter free and cheap drinks all night!


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg