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Health Plan Topic of the Week - ID Cards

March 12th, 2015

Do you know about your UWSA Health Plan ID Card? Or, what your UWSA Health Plan number is?

Your Green Shield ID is UWS, followed by your student number,
‘-00’ (ex. UWS1234567-00)

Your Green Shield ID is included in International Student ID Cards (ISIC). ISIC is free, and can be picked up at the Info Booth. Present your ID card to use your benefits when visiting a pharmacy, dentist, optometrist or any other services that are covered by Green Shield.

You can grab yours from the UWSA Health Plan desk or get your ISIC card at Info Booth!

UWSA Election 2015

March 11th, 2015

Nominations are open for Senior Directorship and Directorship positions. This is an opportunity to represent your faculty, student groups and school as a whole. Positions available for the upcoming election are:

Senior Directorships
– President
– Vice President of Student Affairs
– Vice President External Affairs
– Vice President Internal Affairs

– Accessibility Director
– Arts Director
– Business & Economics Director
– Community Liaison Director
– Director of Student Living
– Education Director
– Enviro Ethics Director
– Graduate Students’ Director
– International Students’ Director
– LGBT* Director
– Part-Time/Mature Students’ Director
– Recreation & Athletics Co – Director
– Science Director
– Status of Women Director

University Boards
– Appointment to the University of Winnipeg Senate: up to 4 positions
– Appointment to the University of Winnipeg Board of Regents: 1 position

If you are interested in any of these positions, you are encouraged to fill out the nomination form found here.

If you have any questions please emailed Nominations close Friday, March 13 so don’t hesitate to submit your form!

Fall Reading Break at the University of Winnipeg

March 10th, 2015

This year, we have been engaged in a dialogue with University stakeholders around the need for a holistic approach to addressing health and wellness. Many students struggle on a daily basis with mental health issues including anxiety and depression. Beyond having services in place that students can access, preventing the onset of mental illness needs to be a key priority. A fall reading break would allow students to recharge and decompress, ameliorating some of the pressures that can trigger anxiety or other mental health issues.

You can read more about Fall Reading Week here.

We need your feedback! Take our survey about Fall Reading Break here:

Health Plan Topic of the Week

March 3rd, 2015

We’ve improved your health plan!

Starting fall 2015, your plan will have two major health benefit increases.

What are the improvements?

HPV vaccinations (Gardasil and Cervarix) covered 100%

All types of professional counsellors will be covered 100%, not just clinical psychologists. We’ve also increased the maximum you can claim from $300 to $800.

Read more about the Health Plan benefit increases here: Health Plan Update

For more information about the improvements for next year, contact your Health Plan Coordinator.

Teaching Matters & Sustainability in the Curriculum

February 25th, 2015

Teaching Matters

Learn from colleagues and share experiences about creating, running, and evaluating field schools at UWinnipeg.

Read more here: ELN Teaching Matters

Sustainability in the Curriculum Exchanges

Read more here: Sustainability Exchanges 2015

Annual General Meeting

February 24th, 2015

Join the conversation!
We have our Annual General Meeting coming up on April 2 in The Hive!



Health Plan Topic of the Week

February 23rd, 2015

Each week, you can catch up with the Health Plan by checking out our topic of the week!

This week we’re talking about Winter Term Opt-Outs!

If you just started school this term AND have other health coverage, you can opt out! The Opt Out deadline (for Winter Term registrants only) is March 3rd. Click here for the Opt Out Website!

Catch you next week! If you have anymore questions, drop by the Health Plan office in the Bulman Students’ Centre.

Indigenous Requirement Lobbying

February 11th, 2015

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association, in partnership with the University of Winnipeg Aboriginal Students Council, have developed a new fully integrated requirement for all undergraduates at the University of Winnipeg. If approved, this requirement would apply to all students who begin their studies in the fall 2016.

Our intention is to broaden our common curriculum, and ensure that all UW students have the opportunity to learn about Indigenous history, culture, and lived experience.

If you have thoughts to share, contact UWSA President Rorie Mcleod Arnould at pres@theuwsa or (204) 786-9778.

Read More here: Indigenous Requirement Department

Bike Lab Hours

February 3rd, 2015

Check out the UWSA Bike Lab hours! Optimized-bike lab winter hours 2015

UFile is for you during tax season!

February 1st, 2015

Tax season is coming up and UFile can assist you! It’s easy and it’s online!


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg