
UWSA Grocery Hamper Program!

August 4th, 2021

The UWSA Grocery Hamper Program is an initiative by UWSA Foodbank to help UWinnipeg students in need while the Foodbank is closed.  Each hamper contains mainly non-perishables. In addition, personal hygiene products can be included upon your request.

Applications for the hampers close on Tuesday, September 7 at 4 PM (or until supplies last), and distribution will take place on September 8, 9, and 10 from 11 AM – 4 PM at the University of Winnipeg Riddell Hall.

Please note that we have limited packages available, so we request students with an urgent need to apply. Packages will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Click here to sign up!

For more info, please email Services Manager Binara Hewagamage at


Quarantine Coverage for Fully Vaccinated Travellers who Test Positive for Covid-19

August 3rd, 2021

In light of the ongoing vaccine rollout, Green Sheild Canada is extending some of the other benefits of our standard travel plans from August 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021, to cover expenses incurred by Fully Vaccinated Travellers who test positive for COVID-19 while travelling and are required to quarantine outside of their province of residence.

The following benefits, already included in Green Shield Canada’s standard travel plans, will now be accessible during a quarantine period for a covered Fully Vaccinated Traveller who tests positive for COVID-19 during their trip and is delayed in returning home:

  • Meal and accommodation expenses of up to $150/day (to a maximum of $1,500) where quarantine is required outside of Canada (or within Canada and outside of a plan member’s province of residence) when they cannot board their pre-arranged transportation home;
  • Medical expenses incurred during the quarantine period, including an extension of prescription medications and follow up COVID-19 tests;
  • Additional expenses incurred for one-way economy fare to return home for the covered quarantined person(s) once they are cleared for travel; and
  • Emergency medical expenses and the above quarantine expenses will continue to be eligible for up to 14 days in the event that the quarantine period causes a plan member to be away from their province of residence beyond the maximum number of days per trip covered by their plan.

If your out-of-country travel coverage is under a pure ASO funding arrangement or you have an out-of-country pooling limit, we are also extending these most recent COVID-19 coverage enhancements to your plan – the same approach that we took with the April 2021 enhancements.

To be eligible for this coverage, you must contact Green Shield Canada Travel Assistance ( at the beginning of their quarantine period after receiving a positive COVID-19 test. To be considered for payment, all claims must include the following:

  • Evidence of being a Fully Vaccinated Traveller
    • Government-issued proof of vaccination document for those eligible to be vaccinated in Canada; or
    • Medical evidence indicating that the individual has a condition to which COVID-19 vaccine is contraindicated;
  • Proof of positive COVID-19 test at destination;
  • Trip itinerary for all covered travellers identifying a destination, departure date, and planned return date; and
  • Paid receipts for all eligible expenses.

Please contact for any questions.

UWSA's Financial Report for Year 2021/22 Q1 is now available.

July 26th, 2021

UWSA’s Financial Report for Year 2021/22 Q1 is now available.

Financial Report for Year 2021/22 Q1

Find more info about the fees and our budget here:


The next UWSA Board of Director Meeting will be conducted over Zoom on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 5.30 PM

July 26th, 2021

The next UWSA Board of Director Meeting will be conducted over Zoom on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, at 5.30 PM.

Please review the documents below:

210728 AGENDA
210728 OPEN Package
FY22 Q1 Board Meeting


All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend Open Session. Please email by 4.30 PM on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

All participants are expected to abide by the University’s Respectful Work and Learning Environment Policy.

UWSA and UofW donate a total of $5000 to MIGIZIWAZISON (Bald Eagles Nest) – Sacred Fire and Healing Village

July 20th, 2021


Aniin, boozhoo, tansi, hello,

I am Jonathan Henderson, and this statement is to The University of Winnipeg community, past and present.

I am the current Vice President of External Affairs for the University of Winnipeg Student Association (UWSA). With the recent findings in Kamloops, we know it has set a long-awaited movement to search residential schools across Turtle Island. Mass graves of children who never made it home are now being found to be honoured and have the proper ceremonies. These lost children faced horrible realities that were the legacy and impact of these residential schools towards us Indigenous people across Turtle Island.

Many of us, including those non-Indigenous, have been emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually impacted by these recent findings. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning, but these children must receive the ceremonies for their spirits to be recognized, honoured, so the families and communities of these children can heal holistically.

It has been very difficult for me to come up with words to express the pain and suffering of many of the families and communities who never had their children come home after being stolen and taken from their homes. Families and communities were torn apart by a governmental policy aimed “to kill the Indian” in us. I am a second generational survivor of this policy. Both my parents survived the residential school system, and that legacy of the residential school system is felt and is a part of us Indigenous people. The generational blood trauma is very real. So, the impact of this policy has affected many generations, and it will take many more generations to heal. But it is important for us to heal in our own ways.

For those students, faculty, and staff from the University of Winnipeg community, take the time to reflect and do the steps you need to help heal. Healing is a journey in all our healing paths, and we will feel stuck. A wise Elder told me that this is when you need to start giving back as part of your healing journey. That does not mean just money donations; it can be simple things like giving someone a much-needed hug or telling someone they are appreciated and loved. For myself, I love doing what I can to give back to the community, such as giving out water and food to those homeless in our community. But when I do not have the funds to do so, providing kind gestures and support to those struggling really helps my healing journey because I can offer life lessons that can help others. Plus, in most cases allowing someone to even vent, just so they feel heard, goes a long way. Any one of you can always reach out and talk to me. I love listening and providing any advice or help I can. Please, I will always share my story and knowledge regarding this dark past on Turtle Island with those who do not know much about this history.

This brings me to share knowledge about the Sacred Fire and Healing Village, located on the east side of the Legislative grounds. This fire is to honour and recognize the lost children that were found. Another purpose of this fire is to provide a healing space for Elders, families, and communities to come together, support one another, share teachings, vent stories, and engage in ceremonies, all aimed at healing from this difficult period. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate. I also encourage non-Indigenous people that are not as knowledgeable or have questions to please come down and ask the Elders. It is a very loving camp. The fire will be lit until all residential schools are searched. I am honoured to have been able to pass a motion at our last UWSA Board of Directors meeting to donate $2,500 to this initiative. Along with this, the U of W matched our contribution. Thus, a total of $5,000 has been donated on behalf of our entire U of W community.

Miigwetch to all those who supported this. It is very heartfelt and deeply appreciated. This camp has grown and will continue to need support; please add them on Facebook, MIGIZIWAZISON (Bald Eagles Nest) – SACRED FIRE AND HEALING VILLAGE. They post daily about what their needs are. Please, if you can help in any way, it is deeply appreciated. For those interested and nervous about attending, please reach out to me, and we can always go together in groups. I am so proud I have already seen many of you there. Our Community Liaison Director, Shawna Péloquin, is one of the lead organizers and is always at the camp. Her leadership and strength to be part of this initiative are genuinely inspiring and deeply respected and appreciated. Our U of W community needs to support one another.

In closing, again, miigwetch to all those that have reached out and supported with love. This is another opportunity for love to overcome hate. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

Jonathan Henderson

Vice President of External Affairs

UWSA Indigenous Advisory Circle Applications

July 19th, 2021

The UWSA has begun accepting applications for the Indigenous Advisory Circle. The UWSA Indigenous Advisory Circle works to ensure that the governance, programs and services of the UWSA are operated in true and meaningful collaboration with Indigenous People.

The Circle shall advise and give direction on Indigenous projects and initiatives, implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, and the implementation of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry Calls to Justice that relate to post-secondary institutions and Indigenous students including, but not limited to, language rights and the right to education.

The Circle shall guide the UWSA in campaign and lobby work to improve access to education for Indigenous students and address barriers and racism that Indigenous students experience.

The Circle shall receive and review the open session minutes of all standing and ad-hoc committees of the board, except for those of the EAB, and shall make recommendations on this business as it pertains to the mandate of The Circle before its ratification by the Board of Directors.

The Circle shall meet at least monthly, no less than seven (7) days before each meeting of the Board of Directors.

Open Positions of the Advisory Circle. All members of the Indigenous Advisory Circle must identify as Indigenous.

  • Chair (non-voting position)
  • Secretary (non-voting position)
  • Urban and Inner-City Campus Representative
  • Graduate Students’ Representative
  • Women and non-Binary Students’ Representative
  • 2 Students-at-large
  • Elder

Click here to apply for the Indgenous Advisory Circle.

For more information, please get in touch with the Vice President External Affairs, Jonathan Henderson, at

By-law and Policy Committee is hosting consultations via Zoom about the UWSA Election processes!

July 14th, 2021

By-law and Policy Committee is hosting consultations via Zoom about the UWSA Election processes.  Open to all students.  Monday, July 19 at 5:30 p.m.  Register by emailing with your name and student number.

The Student Life Committee meeting is on Monday at noon!

July 9th, 2021

The Student Life Committee meeting is on Monday, July 12th, at noon! The meeting will discuss summer and future events. Have your say on upcoming events like Roll Call. Email for meeting details.

Secretary of the Board of Directors Posting

July 6th, 2021

The UWSA is looking for a Secretary of the Board of Directors!

Do you want experience working on a non-profit board? We’re hiring a Secretary of the Board of Directors at the UWSA!

The Chair of the Board of Directors acts as an essential component of the UWSA, recording accurate meeting minutes and ensuring that records are properly formatted, distribute, and filed. The Secretary must have a strong belief in the mission and mandate of the UWSA, and be committed to eliminating personal or political bias in the record of discussions and decisions made by the UWSA. The Secretary takes direction from the Chair of the Board of Directors and is supported by the General Manager.

Check out the posting here.

The Board of Directors biographies are now Available

June 28th, 2021

The Board of Directors biographies are now available and can be found on the Board of Directors page.

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg