For You

Last day to Nominate Yourself for the UWSA General Elections

February 13th, 2020

Today is the last day to nominate yourself to run in the UWSA General Elections!

Submit your nomination forms to the CEC or in the health plan drop box in Riddell Hall by 6 PM today. Download the nomination forms and find more details here. 

UWSA Stands in Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation

February 12th, 2020

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) are firmly in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en Nation as they continue to assert sovereignty on unceded territories and resist state violence.

On December 31, 2019, the BC Supreme Court issued an injunction allowing the RCMP to forcibly remove Wet’suwet’en people from their traditional territories in northern British Columbia. The Hereditary Chiefs of all five clans of the Wet’suwet’en Nation responded by rejecting the Supreme Court’s injunction. Then, the Chiefs evicted Coastal GasLink and their contractors who are attempting to build a liquified natural gas pipeline (LNG) across Wet’suwet’en territory.

The UWSA encourages students to take action in support of the Wet’suwet’en community. Some way you can help are:

Locally, you can support the Indigenous Youth for Wet’suwet’en Winnipeg by bringing them food, beverages and supplies as they occupy the office of Northern Affairs Minister, Dan Vandal.

The UWSA supports the demands of the Wet’suwet’en Heriditary Chiefs and call on the BC government to end violence and respect the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples there.



REBLITE Ruling - Feb 10, 2020

February 12th, 2020

Referenda and Elections By-law Interpretation and Transparent Enforcement Board Meeting February 11, 2020 7 p.m.
UWSA Boardroom

On November 10th, David Teffaine and Kierra Ryner were found to be in violation of 5.24.i for pre- campaigning. The CEC decided to disqualify both candidates invoking clause 5.21.iv.a.4. The decision made by the CEC was appealed by David and Kierra.

On Nov 20th 2019 David Teffaine was found to be pre-campaigning in violation of By Law 5.24.i according to the CEC. The CEC’s decision was to disqualify David Teffaine from the election based on clause 5.21.iv.a.4 to implement supplementary rules.

In the case of Kierra Ryner, Kierra has also been found to be in violation of by-law 5.24.i. The REBLITE Board recognizes the severity of these violations. The appeal and all supplemental interventions were sent by David on behalf of himself and Kierra, satisfactorily demonstrating to the board that they were working as a team.

The REBLITE Board is tasked with ensuring a fair and impartial process and upholding the UWSA by- laws and policies in regards to the election. The CEC is accountable to the REBLITE board and the board finds the CEC’s ruling fairly demonstrates and rectifies the aforementioned violation of the election rules, as per 5.33.iii.e.

REBLITE has determined to uphold the rulings of the CEC.
The REBLITE Board’s ruling is final, binding, and may not be appealed, as per Section 5.31.x.

Click here to view all 2020 General Election Rulings.

Prevent viral illnesses and racial stereotypes

February 5th, 2020

According to Manitoba Health, the risk of the novel Coronavirus affecting Manitoba is low, with just four confirmed cases in Canada so far. Coronavirus symptoms, such as a cough, fever, sore throat, runny nose, headache, and breathing difficulties, are similar to the common cold are easily treatable in most cases.

As a precaution, public health officials advise individuals to take common prevention measures.  They recommend regular hand washing with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand cleanser, covering your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing with your sleeve; and avoiding contact with anyone showing symptoms of a respiratory illness, such as coughing or sneezing.

News of the spread of Coronavirus has also led to increased negative racial stereotyping of Chinese and East-Asian people. Instances of this include avoiding visibly Asian individuals in public, shaming cultural foods, making assumptions on hygiene practices, and insensitive social media posts.

Several other foreign-borne illnesses like the SARS outbreak have been racialized in the past. Stereotypes like these are xenophobic, inaccurate and hurtful.

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) encourages students to support Asian students on campus by debunking myths stemming from racism. Education and following public health recommendations are critical to preventing the spread of the virus and the discrimination associated with it.

For links to more information, visit the website at

For health questions or more information on respiratory illness, Manitobans can phone Health Links–Info Santé at 788-8200 or 1-888-315-9257 (toll-free).

Nominations Open for the 2020 UWSA General Election!

February 2nd, 2020

Nominate yourself in the 2020 UWSA General Election to run for a Board of Director, Executive Director, Board of Regents Representative, or Senator position!

To run, interested students will have to fill out a Nomination Form and submit it to Chief Elections Commissioner (CEC) before 6 PM of February 13. Nomination forms are available online, in the UWSA General Offices from February 3 – 13.

Interested in running? Click here for a PDF of the Candidate Guide or pick up a copy at the UWSA General Office!

For more information, check out or e-mail the CEC at

Late in the Library Survey!

January 14th, 2020

The University of Winnipeg is gathering feedback on extended hours for Late in the Library. Answer this quick, 1 question survey to help us decide Late in the Library hours!

Click here:

A Message of Solidarity for Iranian Students on Campus

January 10th, 2020

We are deeply saddened to hear about the lives lost in the crash of Ukranian International Airlines flight PS752, flying from Tehran, Iran to Kyiv, Ukraine on January 7, 2020. Amongst the 176 victims, eight were Iranian-Canadian living in Manitoba.

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) would like to offer deepest condolences to everyone who lost loved ones in this tragedy. A list of passengers is available here: Flight PS752 passenger list.

We encourage students affected by this to use the wellness resources found on campus and in the community. Counselling services are available to all UWinnipeg students free-of-charge at the Student Wellness Centre.

For assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, please contact these community resources:

  • Klinic Crisis Line | 204.786.8686
  • Klinic Sexual Assault Line | 204.786.8631
  • Manitoba Suicide Phone Line | 1.877.435.7170
  • Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Mobile Crisis Services | 204.940.1781
  • Crisis Response Centre | 817 Bannatyne Ave.

Due to increased racialized tensions in the community, we would also like to bring awareness to Muslim students’ rights on campus. The National Council of Canadian Muslims (NCCM) has also issued a ‘Know your Rights’ guide which you can download here. Some of their recommendations are listed below.

If you are approached by CSIS:

  1. You are not obliged to meet with CSIS unless you are a foreign national and an immigration officer has asked you to meet with them.
  2. If you choose to meet with CSIS, the NCCM recommends that you have a lawyer present.

If you encounter police on campus, please note that:

  1. If stopped by police or security on campus, you have a right to ask why you’re being stopped.
  2. You are not obliged to answer any questions if you’re stopped by police.
  3. If you are being arrested, you don’t have to answer any questions and have the right to request a lawyer.
  4. You have the right to request the name and employee identification number (or badge number) of the police and security staff involved.

For assistance, please contact NCCM’s Education and Outreach Coordinator, Aasiyah Khan at

Snowed In 2020!

January 6th, 2020

Get Snowed In with the UWSA for its annual winter back-to-school celebration!

Facebook Event:

Dates: Jan 7- 10 | 9 AM – 3PM

Location: Bulman Student Centre

Evening events at the Cinematheque and Duckworth Centre.

Programming includes free cereal, coffee and throwback TV on the big screen in the mornings, free soup during lunch hour, and colouring, crafts, and games all day. Please visit for the full schedule.

The event is free for students, staff, and faculty. Please email for accessibility requests.


Late in the Library on till December 18

December 11th, 2019

Extended study and SafeWalk hours in the UW Library till 10.45 PM from Monday to Thursday till December 18.

Bulman Student Centre Closed for Emergency Repairs!

December 3rd, 2019

The Bulman Student Centre and the mezzanine is closed for the day as emergency repairs are being carried out for a plumbing issue.

We apologize for the inconvenience and recommend you steer clear of the area while until further notice.

For a list of quiet study spaces on the campus, we recommend:

  • The UWinnipeg Library
  • Behind Glass Doors: Buhler Centre
  • Duckworth Centre – Second Floor
  • The Hive and Lockhart Hall study space
  • Richardson Centre study spaces
  • Department specific lounges

Please click here for a campus map: UWinnipeg Campus Map


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg