
Divestment Dialogue on Campus

March 1st, 2016

Divestment Dialogue on Campus – March 9 – all welcome

UWinnipeg is currently examining the issue of fossil fuel divestment as it pertains to both Foundation endowment and pension plan investments. Fossil fuel divestment is the removal of assets including stocks, bonds, and investment funds from companies involved in extracting fossil fuels. In 2014, divestment at UWinnipeg was raised by the University of Winnipeg Students’ Association. As part of this process, several events will take place on campus to encourage thoughtful dialogue.

Event 1: Divestment as Climate Solution –
Wednesday, March 9 from 12:30 to 2:00 pm

Roundtable discussions
Room: Convocation Hall, 2nd floor, Wesley Hall

What is the University’s role in taking positions on contemporary issues such as divestment?  Where does fossil fuel divestment fit in to the constellation of work related to addressing global climate change?  What other approaches or efforts might be higher impact?



Joan Grace (Political Science)

Peter Ives (Political Science)

Tracey Whalen (Rhetoric, Writing and Communications)

Allen Mills (Political Science)

Patricia Fitzpatrick (Geography)

Jobb Arnold (Conflict Resolution Studies)

Andrew Vineberg, Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie and Kevin Settee (Divest UWinnipeg)



Alana Lajoie-O’Malley

Director, Campus Sustainability Office l Co-Chair, Experiential Learning Network





Voting Week

February 29th, 2016

It’s voting week for the UWSA General Election. You can vote today, tomorrow and Wednesday in Riddell Hall and Richardson College. Don’t forget your student i.d.

Candidates 2016-1
Candidates4 Candidates3 Candidates2

We want to send 3 students to RISE!

February 25th, 2016

Rise Banner

We want to send three students to RISE!

We have allocated funds for 3 Racialized students to attend the Racialized and Indigenous Student Experience (RISE) Summit in Toronto, Ontario.

To apply please send Kevin, Vice-President External Affairs, your registration via email to  The application will be reviewed by the UWSA and forwarded to the national office. We’re accepting applicants until Feb. 28.

With your application please include:

  • A 200 word piece on why you want to go
  • What you are studying
  • How you will apply the summit to your university experience.

You can download the registration form here: RISE Registration Forms

UWSA General Election Candidates 2016

February 23rd, 2016

Happy campaigning week! Check out your General Election Candidates and remember to vote on Feb. 29, March 1, and March 2 in Riddell Hall or Richardson College from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Happy Reading Week!

February 16th, 2016

Wishing you a happy Reading Week!
Just a heads-up, index, Info Booth, the UWSA Bike Lab and the Health Plan Office will be closed this week.

Hope your week is relaxing and restful!

Candidates for UWSA Election 2016

February 12th, 2016

Here is a list of your 2016 UWSA Election Candidates.

Voting is February 29 – March 2

Question about the election?
Email Myles, Chief Elections Commissioner at




UWSA President

Kevin Settee


UWSA VP – Internal

David Fanhbulleh

Jonathan Northam


UWSA VP – External

Sadie-Phoenix Lavoie


UWSA VP – Student Affairs

Laura Garinger

Alexa Potashnik




Accessibility Director

Mohamed Behi


Arts Director

Julianna Petrasko & Sydney Christie

Adrienne Tessier


Business & Econ Director

Mitchell Van Ineveld


Community Liason

Abigail Theano-Pudwil & Andrew Vineberg


Education Director

Allan Dunkeld


Environmental Ethics Director

Avery Letkemann

Ariel Lisogorsky

Oladele Ojewole


LGBT Director

Jacqueline Pellard


Part-Time and Mature Students Director

Hazim Ismail & Marie Gurbhoo


Science Director

Mohamed Abo Aoun

Meghan Fehr & Lochlan Wilson

Raphael Hoult


Status of Women Director

Jade DeFehr


UW Senate

David Wiebe

Sealed with a Sip: Launch of specialty coffee at index

February 11th, 2016



We’re excited to announce coffee at index! And, we’re launching it at 12:30 today with a lil party a tindex. We’ll have snacks and music by our friends at CKUW Radio 95.9fm ! Thanks to Lil Sister Coffeemaker for our training and Dogwood Coffee for our sweet brew!











Nomination Forms for UWSA Election due Thursday!

February 9th, 2016

Want to run in the UWSA Election?

Grab your nomination form and hand it in on Thursday! Forms are available at index, UWSA Offices and online here:

Questions about the election?

Email Chief Elections Commissioner at



Health Plan Office closed this week

February 8th, 2016

Please be advised the Health Plan Office is closed this week and Reading Week. If you have questions, please email or visit the main office for follow-up information.

For more information about the UWSA Health Plan, visit the homepage here:

FREE Drag Queen Workshop presented by the LGBT* Centre

January 25th, 2016


Feb 8, ’16 at 18:00 until Feb 8, ’16 at 20:00

Free admission event. No prior knowledge of drag necessary! Presented by the talented Cake. Learn about drag history, culture, make-up, music, and her own personal experiences. Open Q&A session. Hang out with us after the workshop and eat food cake in The Hive!


Questions? Email

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg