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Divest UW Launch Week #divestUW

January 28th, 2015

Optimized-divest now poster

Students across Canada and around the world are taking action on climate change by demanding their Universities withdraw all investments in fossil fuel companies that are pushing us towards the point of climate catastrophe. At the University of Winnipeg, we’re calling on the UW Foundation to begin divesting (the opposite of investing) from fossil fuel companies.


January 28
12:30-2:00pm, Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall
Divestment 101″ film screening of’s “Do the Math” followed by Q & A

January 29
12:30-1:30pm, The Hive
“Building a Post-Fossil Fuel Economy” workshop with Transition Winnipeg

January 30
12:30-1:30pm, The HIVE
“Lunch and Learn” film screening of David Suzuki’s “Tipping Point: The Age of the Oil Sands” and free pizza

Join the Facebook event here! 

Special General Meeting

January 26th, 2015

We are having a Special General Meeting on Feb. 12 at 1 p.m. in The Hive, and we would love to see you there!

The Health Plan desk has a new home come Monday!

January 23rd, 2015


Denae, the Health Plan Coordinator is moving a little closer to us! Her office will now be in the Bulman Students’ Centre (right next to ours!).

If you have any questions regarding the Health Plan, you can drop by her new office starting Monday or shoot her an email at health@theuwsa.

And while you’re down there, might as well stop by and say hi to us!


Arts Fair

January 21st, 2015

Arts Fair LOGO Futura

You can get involved with Arts Fair by entering their poster competition!

The Arts Fair Committee invites students to participate in the first Arts Fair Poster Competition to help showcase the exceptional work in the humanities and social sciences.

Read more about the competition and Arts Fair here: PosterComp

CKUW Returns to The Hive!

January 13th, 2015


CKUW is excited to now be broadcasting live, once again to The HIVE, for the first time since the pre-FM era of closed circuit service on campus ended in the spring of 1998.

And, we are thrilled to announce that our locally made modular furniture has arrived in The HIVE. The furniture was custom built and made in Winnipeg from local supplier “Oi”.

The UWSA wishes to acknowledge and thank: Peter Sampson Architecture Studio, Gardon Construction, UW Physical Plant, The University of Winnipeg President’s Office, CKUW, Healy Audio/Visual, UW Technology Infrastructure,  Diversity Food Services, Wood Anchor, Oi Furniture, Professor Serena Keshavjee and artist Dany Reede for their work and partnership with us in realizing The HIVE as a showcase destination for UW students and guests to animate and enjoy.

Check out Oi at and remember you can always stay tuned to CKUW by checking out

We have a job opportunity!

January 10th, 2015

Ever wanted to work for the UWSA? You could be the next International Student Collective Coordinator!

Read more about the job and apply here!

Special General Meeting

January 8th, 2015

Notice to all UWSA members:

The 2015 Special General Meeting (SGM) will be held Thursday February 12th at 1:00 pm in the HIVE.

At this meeting the UWSA membership (that’s you!) will approve the minutes from our last general meeting, and review the By-Law changes being proposed.

Stay up to date with what’s coming by visiting our General Meetings section here.

If you would like to submit a By Law change the deadline is January 21 by 5:00 p.m.

If you would like to submit a Motion the deadline is February 2.

Contact the UWSA Acting Chair of the Board: Emily at chair(at) if you have questions, want to get involved or have a suggestion.



New Year, New Term!

January 4th, 2015

Welcome back! And to officially welcome you back to school we’re kicking things off with SnoWeek! Stay tuned to our social media so we can keep you in the loop about free coffee and other fun activities! And hey, Happy New Year!


Coffee Card!

December 4th, 2014


We teamed up with Diversity to bring you two free coffees during the busiest study season of 2014!  Get yours at Info Booth!
UWSA 2014 Coffee Card[5][1]

Foodbank Request

December 1st, 2014

Dear University Community,

The volunteer-driven UWSA Foodbank was created to provide regular food supplements during the year to University of Winnipeg students and community members in need. This year the UWSA has worked diligently to raise awareness about the Foodbank service, and has seen a significant increase of student usage.  The UWSA Foodbank primarily works in conjunction with Winnipeg Harvest, receiving weekly shipments of food to distribute each Friday to registered clients; however, we also operate an Emergency Student Food Fund, which is primarily supplied with donations from university groups and other community-based organizations.

Currently our Emergency Student Food Fund is in need of donations.  In the spirit of the holidays, we ask that your group/faculty/office consider running a collection drive.  We are currently in need of:

– dried pasta, noodles, rice,
– pasta sauce, canned tomatoes,
– canned or dried beans, lentils, chick peas
– canned fruit and vegetables
– canned soup,
– granola bars, crackers, cookies, other small snack items.

Please also consider collecting these items.  We recognize that they are more expensive than non-perishable food items, but they are rarely donated and are essential items for many student families:

-cat food and dog food,
– diapers (especially sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6), training pants,
– baby food, cereal, crackers, and formula,
– tampons and pads.

We ask that you remember not to donate expired food items.  Although canned food items often last beyond the expiration date, we are not legally allowed to distribute these items and are required to throw them out.

All donations can be dropped off at the UWSA General Office in the basement of the Bulman Students’ Centre.  Thank you for considering donating to our organization, it is only with the help of campus and community organizations like yours that we are able to ensure our students access to food security.  If you have any questions, please contact Allison Reimer at or 204-786-9781.


Happy Holidays,


Jennifer Black
UWSA Foodbank Coordinator

Allison Riemer
UWSA Vice-President Student Services


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg