Motion 46: Statement of Support

The University of Winnipeg Students’ Association (UWSA) strongly supports Motion 46, which calls on the federal government to introduce legislation and work with provincial and territorial governments and Indigenous peoples to ensure a guaranteed livable basic income.

This universal basic income program would replace the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) permanently and work towards eradicating poverty and ensure the respect, dignity and security of all persons living in Canada.

The program would be a step towards reducing financial barriers to the access of education by allowing students the freedom to reach their full potential without the burden of student loans, cost of living, and other educational expenses. It would offer people living in poverty opportunities to access post-secondary education and better job opportunities.

Programs like CERB and CESB have demonstrated the benefits and the potential for a guaranteed basic livable income for all. Click here to email your MP and encourage them to support Motion 46.


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg