Theatre and Film Students’ Association (TAFSA)

The Theatre and Film Students’ Association (TAFSA) offers lively social interaction for U of W students to ensure their academic career is as fun and memorable as possible! TAFSA aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment where Theatre and Film students can meet and enjoy shared interests. TAFSA’s mission is to bring Theatre and Film students together, improve student life and enjoyment, and advocate for students. TAFSA also hosts events where students can network and showcase their skills!

Membership: To join TAFSA, members must be current students at the University of Winnipeg and must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. Currently enrolled in a Theatre or Film class
2. Pursuing a major or joint major in Theatre or Film
3. Pursing a minor in Theatre or Film
4. Former member of the TAFSA Executive Committee

University of Winnipeg students who do not meet the above criteria may participate in TAFSA activities to the extent that the Executive Committee deems appropriate but shall not be allowed to vote, hold a position in the executive, or volunteer at events.



University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg