Finance and Economics Students’ Association (FESA)

The University of Winnipeg’s Finance and Economics Students’ Association (FESA) is an amazing and dynamic hub that celebrates the passion and curiosity of students in the realms of finance and economics. FESA is more than a society; it’s a community that thrives on fostering learning, igniting innovation, and creating connections. Guided by a profound commitment to elevating academic journeys and equipping future leaders, FESA provides an enriching space for individuals to engage in thought-provoking dialogues, immerse in practical challenges, and establish enduring ties with industry experts. From aspiring economists, curious bankers to burgeoning entrepreneurs, FESA opens doors to boundless opportunities, enabling members to embark on a transformative voyage where theories find their application, and collective aspirations set new horizons. Experience the convergence of academia and practice with FESA, where the future of finance and economics takes shape through collaboration and exploration.

Membership: Executive Membership is through appointment by the department of Economics, where they look at candidates holistically. However, interested students can participate in events, volunteer/join in planned programs and that can increase their chances of being selected as an executive for the next session. Recruitments are typically around late April-May so keep an eye out and apply!



University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg