
Free Manitoba Moose Hockey Games on March 11 and 12

March 3rd, 2022

The Manitoba Moose are pleased to partner with the UWSA to offer all UofW students and staff the opportunity to attend one of the Manitoba Moose Hockey games on Friday, March 11 @ 7 p.m. or Saturday, March 12 @ 6 p.m.  The partnership offers all students and staff the opportunity to attend the game with two complimentary tickets – if you require more than two you can purchase additional tickets for only $12.

The Manitoba Moose host their second annual Gender Equality game on Saturday, March 12 @ 6 p.m. when the Moose take on the Bellville Senators.  This game aims to promote, celebrate, and bring awareness to girls and women in sport.  In partnership with their NHL affiliate, the Winnipeg Jets, the Gender Equality game is part of the NHL’s “This is Hockey” initiative, which endorses diversity and inclusiveness in hockey.

Proof of vaccination requirement remains in place for Winnipeg Jets and Manitoba Moose games at Canada Life Centre.  Masks remain required until March 15, 2022.  Effective March 15, 2022, Canada Life Centre will transition to a Mask-Friendly venue for all events where mask use will be strongly encouraged, but not required.

We ask that you only claim tickets if you are attending – if you claim tickets and do not attend your email may be blocked from future complimentary offers.


  1. Select the game you want to attend
  2. Select the section for your complimentary ticket and select the number required max 2 complimentary tickets (add to cart)
  3. If you require an additional ticket(s) please select the SAME section for additional discounted tickets that you selected for your complimentary ticket – select the number of additional tickets (add to cart)
  4. Review cart – ensure all tickets are in the same section (comp and additional discounted tickets – proceed to checkout if all is correct.

*If you have any issues or questions during the process, please send a message to

UWSA 2022 Annual General Meeting

March 2nd, 2022

Join us for the 2022 UWSA Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, March 16 at 12:30 PM over Zoom!

All UWinnipeg students are welcome to attend the AGM. please email by 4.30 PM, Tuesday, March 15 for the Zoom link. When emailing please use your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

The AGM is a chance for UWSA members to receive an update on the budget and operations and propose motions. All students have voting and speaking rights!

The AGM is a chance for the UWSA to:

  • Report on the year’s accomplishments
  • Propose updates to the bylaws & policies
  • Present the budget for the upcoming year
  • Hear proposals from the membership
  • Meet the incoming 2022-23 Executives and Directors

UWSA AGM Package

UWSA Financial Statements 21


2021-2022 Report of the Board

2021-22 Report of the By-law and Policy Committee


Submitting Motions

All UWSA members can submit a motion to the Chair of the Board at before March 7, 2022. To learn how to write a motion, please review the documents below:

Motion Template (Editable PDF)
How to Write a Motion

Questions? Email

Supporting students affected by the attacks on Ukraine

February 28th, 2022

On February 24th, the Russian military launched an attack on Ukraine. We are deeply concerned for the safety of UofW students affected by this, and we hope for the de-escalation and resolution to the war.

UWSA President, Kirt Hayer, says, “This isn’t just a war between two countries, but a fight between democracy and authoritarianism. My motto as a student leader is freedom and democracy, power to the students. The leadership of Vladimir Putin is not democratic and is a threat to freedom everywhere. Citizens in those regions are victims of Putin’s leadership, and I stand with the freedom-loving people of the world in opposition to Vladimir Putin and the invasion taking place in Ukraine.”
We are extending our support to any students being affected by this invasion. We especially want to extend our sympathy and support to international students living/from all affected regions. This is a time of uncertainty, and we urge everybody to reach out to their friends, their loved ones, and provide their support to anyone affected.
“I want to extend my deepest sympathy and prayers for all the innocent citizens caught in this war. My prayers and thoughts are, also, with our loved ones of our University of Winnipeg family that are from the affected region,” says the UWSA Vice President External Affairs (VPEA), Jonathan Henderson. “To our international students of Ukraine and Russia, and for those from our U of W family; students, faculty, and staff with family, friends, and roots, in/from Ukraine and Russia, my deepest empathy, support, love, and prayers from my entire heart. We will do our best to offer support, and if you need support, please reach out.”
We have compiled a list of resources students can access. In addition, we will explore more options to further assist impacted students. If you have any questions, please contact the UWSA VPEA, Jonathan Henderson, at

List of resources:

With sympathy and support,


UWSA 2022 General Election Candidates

February 28th, 2022

It’s the UWSA 2022 General Election and there are many candidates to represent your voice on campus! Read the Voter’s Guide here to see all of the candidates in this year’s election. Here are your 2022 UWSA General Election Candidates!

President of the UWSA
Kirtatveer Singh Hayer

Vice-President External Affairs of the UWSA
Kanwalpreet Kaur
Aman Kumar
Bhavya Jindal
Jonathan Henderson

Arts Director
Umar Awan

Business and Economics Director
Jaspinder Kaur Dhillon

Community Liason Director
Sarah Anderson

Emerging Leader Director (2-year term)
Shubhdeep Kaur

International Students’ Director
Tushar Singla & Suvansh Shukla (Co-Directors)
Tomiris Kaliyeva & Christine Quiah (Co-Directors)
Sunpreet Kaur
Ravi Kumar

Part-Time/Mature Students’ Director
Clifford Stornel

Racialized Students’ Director
Oyin Akinboye

Recreation and Athletics Director
Vandan Khunt

Science Director
Ardita Ibrahimaj
Kaynat Grewal

Student Living Director
Vlad Samon


  • U-Pass Referendum Question: For more information please visit
    • Do you support the UWSA reinstating the U-Pass once the majority of University of Winnipeg courses are offered in-person, providing unlimited ongoing access to Winnipeg Transit for all full-time students, for a fee of $212.00 per term (adjusted annually to maintain a 50% discount from the Full Adult Transit Fare)?
  • Transformational Library Renovation Referendum Question: For more information please visit
    • Do you support a new fee of $3.00 per credit hour, amounting to approximately $10 Million (or 20% of the total project cost) over a 20-year contribution term, to fund the Transformational Library Renovation – building more space for study and student collaboration, expanding connective technologies, and Indigenizing the University of Winnipeg library?

*These referendums are open to be voted on by all students.

For information on where and how to vote, visit 

U-Pass Referendum 2022 Facts

February 16th, 2022

The U-Pass is a student-led initiative, and we need direction from students again. The U-Pass has not been offered since the pandemic-related closure of campus and a new fee is required to be approved by UWinnipeg students in order to reinstate the program effective September 2022. We are holding a referendum during the 2022 General Elections so that UWinnipeg students can vote on whether they would like to reinstate the U-Pass program.

Referendum Question

  • Do you support the UWSA reinstating the U-Pass once the majority of University of Winnipeg courses are offered in-person, providing unlimited ongoing access to Winnipeg Transit for all full-time students, for a fee of $212.00 per term (adjusted annually to maintain a 50% discount from the Full Adult Transit Fare)?

The options are:

  • Yes, I am in favour of reinstating the U-Pass.
  • No, I vote to end the U-Pass.

What does a ‘Yes’ vote mean?

  • A ‘Yes’ vote means that the UWSA will reinstate the U-Pass to students at the rate of $212 per term (adjusted annually to maintain a 50% discount from the Full Adult Transit Fare) once the majority of 2022/23 UofW courses are offered in-person. This means that you will have unlimited access to Winnipeg Public Transit.

What does a ‘No’ vote mean?

  • A ‘No’ vote would lead to the end of the U-Pass program. The alternative would be to purchase a Post-Secondary Semester Bus Pass that costs (presently) $288/term or another Post-Secondary bus fare product.

How do I Vote?

  • You can vote in the UWSA General Elections on March 7, 8, and 9. On Monday, March 7 at 9 AM, an email will be sent to your UWinnipeg Email about your voting information.

What happens to the U-Pass if the majority of University of Winnipeg courses are not offered in-person to students for the 2022/23 Academic School year due to the pandemic?

  • The UWSA will have the option to temporarily suspend the U-Pass Program commencing at the beginning of the next full Fall Term or Winter Term that is to start. As a result, the program would be active and students at the UWinnipeg would not be required to pay U-Pass fees , and students will not have access to the U-Pass. Students will still be able to purchase the Post-Secondary Semester Bus Pass or other Post-Secondary bus fare products at Winnipeg Transit retail locations.
  • The U-Pass would automatically start again, for the following term, if the majority of University of Winnipeg courses are offered in-person to students.

U-Pass Information

The U-Pass is a universal bus pass program where all full-time UWinnipeg students pay a fee at the beginning of each term and receive an unlimited access bus pass for the Fall and/or Winter Term (September – December / January – April) at a subsidized rate. The U-Pass has not been offered since the pandemic related closure of campus and a new fee is required to be approved by UWinnipeg students in order to reinstate the program effective September 2022.

Usage + Who receives it

  • In Fall 2019, approximately 6000 U-Passes were activated at UWinnipeg According to Winnipeg Transit’s review in 2017 and 2018. Approx. 90% of students used a U-Pass, with 53% using it on a daily basis or more.
  • If reinstated, all full-time UofW students (9 credit hours or more in one term) are enrolled in the U-Pass program. In addition, users and students residing outside city limits have the option to Opt-Out of the U-Pass.

Quick History of U-Pass Fees:

  • The U-Pass launched at $130 per term for the 2016/2017 Fall/Winter terms.
  • The U-Pass fee for Fall 2019, Winter 2020, the last term it was active, was $136.25 per term.
  • The last approved U-Pass fee for Fall, 2020 was $160.75 per term.
  • The U-Pass fee for Fall, 2022 is $212 per term.


  • 2022/23 U-Pass fees (presently a 26% discount from the Post-Secondary Semester Pass and 50% discount from the Full Adult Bus Fare).
    • $212 per term
    • $424 from September – April

The cost of the U-Pass is will be adjusted annually to maintain a 50% discount from the Full Adult Transit Fare. The rate of discount from a Post-Secondary Semester Pass (presently 26%) could fluctuate as annual rate changes typically occur, although we believe this level of discount should be generally stable.

Student Initiative

  • This U-Pass is a student-led initiative spearheaded by students at the UWSA in 2014, mirroring U-Pass programs practiced across Canada. UWinnipeg students voted and passed in a referendum on October 29, 2014, with a majority vote of 81.7% in favour of establishing a U-Pass.

 You can download a PDF of the facts here: U-Pass Referendum 2022 Facts

Swag Bag Pick Up

February 11th, 2022

✨Swag Bag Pick Up is back!✨ We welcome all UofW students to drop by to pick up your free swag bag with back-to-school goods! While supplies last.

Where: Riddell Hall Atrium

When: Tuesday, February 15 & Wednesday, February 16

Time: 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Please bring your student ID/proof of vaccination and wear a mask for entrance. You may enter through the closest doors at 385 Spence Street.

Questions? Email Sam Sarty, Events Manager at:

By-Laws and Policy Committee Meeting: Feb 11

February 9th, 2022

There will be a By-Laws and Policy Committee Meeting on Friday, February 11 at 11:00 am. Open to all students.

Please email before 10:00 am on the day of the meeting for the Zoom link using your UWinnipeg webmail address and your Student ID Number.

UWSA General Election Nomination Period Begins!

February 7th, 2022


The UWSA General Election 2022 Nomination Period begins today!

Nomination Period opens at: 9 a.m. on Monday, Feb 7

Nomination Period closes at: 6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb 17.

Do you want to create positive change for your fellow students at the University of Winnipeg?

The General Election is where students can run for an Executive Team position (President, Vice-President External Affairs), a Board of Director position, a Board of Regents seat, or a Senator position.  

Becoming an Executive Director or a member of the UWSA Board of Directors gives you experience serving on a non-profit board, awards you the opportunity to connect with student communities and represent their needs, gives you a voice to help make decisions that impact students and the university, and helps you learn more about the student union, university governance, and lobbying government.

To nominate yourself, download a nomination form at:

Nomination forms must be submitted to the Chief Elections Commissioner (CEC) directly, by email to

For more information on nominating yourself and the UWSA General Election, email Meagan Nenka, CEC, at: 

Update on the Alternate Grading Option for the Winter 2022 Term

February 3rd, 2022

On January 28, 2022, The University of Winnipeg Senate voted to pass the UWSA Motion on Alternate Grading Options for Winter 2022.

For Fall/Winter (6-credit hours) and Winter 2022 courses, The University of Winnipeg students will be able to make a request to exclude a grade from the calculation of their GPA.

Additionally, students who have received a passing grade for Fall/Winter (6-credit hours) and Winter 2022 courses will also be able to request a grade of ‘S’ (Standing) for their course instead. A ‘Standing’ grade will not be included in their GPA calculation.

Before making a request to exercise either option, interested undergraduate students are recommended to consult an academic advisor and graduate students are required to consult their program/academic advisor. Students who have been found guilty of academic misconduct in 2021-22 will not be eligible to make use of either option.

When to request: Application for the Alternate Grading will open after the final grades for Winter and Fall/Winter (6 credit hour) courses are published in May.

Please note that:

  • Grades excluded in the calculation of their GPA will not be used to calculate GPA for program progression and/or graduation GPA requirements. Students who require a certain grade for program progression must not choose the ‘Standing’ option.
  • Where specific course grades other than ‘Standing’ are required to satisfy UW pre-requisite requirements, for entry into other courses, or admission to other programs, and to satisfy any other program requirements, course grades will continue to be used. A grade of “Standing” cannot be used to satisfy a pre-requisite where a specific letter grade is normally required.
  • What constitutes a passing grade will be determined by the specific faculty.

Academic and Career Services Advisors are there to provide guidance on these alternative grading options. Students can contact them at 204.786.9257 or

UWSA Health Plan: New Coverage from Pocketpills

January 27th, 2022

Your Green Shield student benefits now include 100% drug coverage from Pocketpills for the next 8 months. Your coverage lasts until Aug. 31, 2022.

What is Pocketpills? This service is an online pharmacy, which removes the need for in-person trips for routine medications. It makes it easier to manage and fill prescriptions, talk to pharmacists online or by text, and order medication directly to your door for free with tracking. You can transfer your prescription refills to them during signup, or get your doctor to fax over your new prescriptions.

For more information, or to download the app to activate your account, visit:

Questions? Please email

University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg