UWSA Health Plan Opt-Change/Opt-Out now open!

If you already have health insurance, you can choose to opt-out of the UWSA Health Plan.

Opt-out here!

You can also customize your plan by filling out an Opt-Change form.

Opt-Change here!

You must opt-out and opt-change by Sept. 19!

The UWSA Health Plan will be under a blackout period until September 20th. This means claims submission and online services will be down while we work to get students enrolled. If you incur a claim during the blackout period, you will need to wait until after the 20th to claim it back and you will be paid out retroactively.

Thanks for your patience and remember you have until Setpember 19th to change your health plan using the opt change form or opting-out online at the link below.

If you have questions, please email health@theuwsa.ca


University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg
University of Winnipeg