Mental Health Resources for Students Affected by COVID-19
Your mental health is more important than ever right now. In case you missed our conversations on mental health during Coronavirus: Covid Coping, please use these resources our panelists shared with us if and when you need it.
UWinnipeg Resources:
- UW Student Counselling Services:
- Contact us by phone at 204.988.7611
- email us at between the hours of 830am – 430pm Monday to Friday.
- For more information about student counselling services or additional community resources, you can visit our website at
- Mind BEACON: Mental health resource for UWinnipeg students covered by UWSA Green Shield Health Plan
Online Resources:
- The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital)
- Online Mental Health Guide (Excellent article about smartphone addiction with helpful tools)
- Mental Health America (This site has lots of tools and resources)
- Covid Convos via Sunshine House on Facebook Live
- Mutual Aid Society Facebook Group
- BIPOC Mental Health Workers Resource List-Central Neighbourhoods (List updated 1st of every month)
- Caring Queerly Facebook Group (for 2STLGBQIA+ people only)
Ted Talks:
- Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health? By Bailey Parnell
- What You Are Missing While Being a Digital Zombie. By Patrik Wincent
- How Social Media Makes Us Unsocial. By Allison Graham
- Addicted To Likes. By Poppy Jamie
- Social Media Addiction. Leslie Coutterand
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact:
- KLINIC Crisis Line: 204-786-8686
- Manitoba Suicide Line: 1-877-435-7170
- Crisis Stabilization Unit: 204-940-3633
- Mobile Crisis Service: 204-940-1781
- Youth Mobile Crisis Team: 204-949-4777
- Seneca House: 204-942-9276 (7:00 P.M. – 11:00 P.M.)
- Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
- Kids Help Phone Text Service (Open to all ages): Text 686868
- MB Farm & Rural Support Services: 1-866-367-3276
- Hope for Wellness Line (Phone and Online Chat) for Indigenous peoples: Counselling available in Anishiniabemowin, Cree/Ininiw, Inuktitut, English and French
- Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba (ADAM): 204.925.0040
Support line to assist people who are struggling with anxiety related to COVID-19. Hours are 9am – 9pm, Sat – Sun 10am – 4pm.
In-Person Resources:
- Teen Clinics available to people under 21: Drop in available but need to call ahead due to COVID-19
Click here for a downloadable PDF resource by panelist, Cori Jaye Elston: Social Media Handout